
When it comes to values, for the company “PRIKHODKO&PARTNERS” it is not just a loud phrase or a trendy message for positioning. Our values ​​are the main measure of work and attitude towards customers. They are the marker that shows our professional style and attitude to each client request. Therefore, we would like to introduce you to how we build our activities and what, in addition to professionalism, we rely on.

 Non-standard solutions as a priority

“You are the fourth law firm for me,” is not surprising for us to hear. When others try to work by hand in complex cases or drive the client in circles, not knowing what solution to offer, we act differently. We set ourselves the goal that the client’s search stops at our company and that he receives proper legal support. Extensive experience, out-of-the-box thinking and result-orientedness help to solve a significant part of requests that seemed too complicated.

 Every customer is like a VIP

Sometimes people think that the word “VIP” is intimidating or indicates some kind of superiority. But not in the work of the company “PRIKHODKO&PARTNERS”. Every client is a VIP client for us. Everyone is special and unique. We do not look at statuses and work equally carefully with everyone who chooses our services, because we know: those who value their standard of living, their own time and the quality of legal assistance come to us.

 A lawyer as your “red button”

Different situations happen in life, so you need to be prepared for them. “I live honestly, I don’t need a lawyer” – a position that often played against many people who did not have the contacts of a good lawyer in moments when urgent help was needed. An accident on the road, the intrigue of an unscrupulous business partner, an unfounded lawsuit from a client who wants to make money can happen to each of us. In order for you to be able to defend yourself with a minimal investment of time and emotional strength, it is worth having the contact of a good lawyer in your phone book. Perhaps it will really remain that “red button” that you will not use. But it will add a lot of confidence.

 Continuous development

We do not entertain ourselves with illusions that it is possible to reach a certain level and status in the profession, and then only enjoy the fruits of our efforts. Our team constantly keeps its finger on the pulse of legislative changes and trends in the legal field. We analyze each case in detail, taking the maximum from it for further improvement of work. That is why we are the specialists who can really provide VIP services.