Appealing against a tax decision

"Taxes are the price we pay for the opportunity to live in a civilized society".

Yasinskiy Yevhen

Head of tax law practice

An expert in the practice of tax law, specializes in the protection of rights in court, corporate law.

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Appealing against a tax decision

Every day, representatives of the State Tax Service make a large number of decisions, many of which are negative for business. However, these decisions can be successfully appealed if the taxpayer is right. The current legislation provides for 2 possible formats of appealing tax decisions. The first of them is administrative or judicial. This means appealing to a higher authority of the State Tax Service to cancel the previous decision. The law also provides for the possibility of appealing against a tax decision in court. This method is also used very often, and most cases are successful. That is why clients seek the support of lawyers specializing in tax law in such cases.


Why should you seek help from specialists?

Tax legislation is very voluminous and difficult to understand for people who do not have a legal profession and sufficient experience in this area. At the same time, the timeframe for appealing the decisions of the State Tax Service in an administrative manner is very short. In view of this, it is worthwhile to contact a lawyer who specializes in tax law in a timely manner, because, in addition to deep knowledge, he or she must have sufficient experience to work efficiently in these cases. The team of Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm has such experts.

As our practice shows, clients often try to solve problems with the State Tax Service on their own, but repeated attempts do not lead to the desired result.

It is the intervention of a competent legal expert that moves the situation forward. A vivid example of such cases is when clients turn to a lawyer with a problem of blocking tax invoices. This also happens in another related issue, which concerns the company’s inclusion in the list of risky enterprises. Tax authorities often claim that a business transaction is risky when it is not. Therefore, businesses have to defend their position in such cases.

We offer you to get acquainted in more detail with what other inquiries in the field of tax law we receive.

Current issues in tax law

So, in addition to decisions on the riskiness of an LLC and on blocking tax invoices or adjustment calculations, our law firm is approached with a number of other issues. For example, among them:


Decisions on the application of penalties. If a taxpayer disagrees with the decision to impose a fine and knows that the law and facts are on his or her side, it is worth defending his or her rights and legitimate interests. You do not have to pay a fine if you have not committed any tax offenses. But to do so, you need to prove your case in the legal field by appealing the decision of the State Tax Service.


Tax notice-decision. This is the name of a document that the tax authorities send to a taxpayer to make him pay a certain amount of a monetary obligation. The taxpayer may disagree with the fact of the charge or with the amount of the charge.


Revocation of a license. When representatives of the State Tax Service unreasonably revoke a taxpayer’s license, this decision must be appealed. Otherwise, you will face obstacles in the legal conduct of your business activities if they require licensing.


Refusal in the form of a letter. Such a refusal may be sent to the taxpayer for various reasons, depending on the purpose for which the taxpayer applied to the STS. If you disagree with the decision, we will help you appeal it.

The administrative method of appealing the decision of the State Tax Service is provided for in Article 56 of the Tax Code of Ukraine. If you are going to use the tool of judicial protection of your rights, you should know that such cases are considered by administrative courts. Therefore, the lawyer who handles your case must be well versed in the Tax Code and the Code of Administrative Procedure.


Our services in tax disputes

The team of Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm provides the following range of services in the field of tax law:

  • Consultations. In the course of consulting, we study in detail the situation that has occurred in the client’s business and orient the prospects for its resolution.
  • Support in the course of procedural defense of the client’s interests. We write complaints and explanations and send them to the State Tax Service.
  • Representation of client interests in court. This method of influencing the situation is also quite popular. It works well in cases where the previously mentioned legal instruments have not worked.

And even if the tax authorities delay the execution of a court decision, we know how to establish judicial control over this process. Contact us and you will not be left without quality support.

Calculate the cost of services

1 question

Have you already received a tax decision?


2 question

Have you appealed the tax decision administratively?


3 question

Are you located in Kyiv or Kyiv region?


4 question

Do you need advice from a tax lawyer?

Yasinskiy Yevhen
Head of tax law practice

An expert in the practice of tax law, specializes in the protection of rights in court, corporate law.

Contact now

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TOP lawyers dealing with such cases in Ukraine

Yasinskiy Yevhen

Head of tax law practice

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Panasiuk Yulia


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How to order the service? How do we work?

What are the most relevant issues in the field of tax law at the moment?

For legal entities it is:

  • blocking of tax invoices;
  • exclusion of the enterprise from the list of risky enterprises;
  • PPR appeal;
  • other disputes with the DPS of Ukraine.

As for natural persons, requests for:

  • financial monitoring;
  • export of cash abroad;
  • confirmation of origin of funds.

By contacting our tax law specialists, you will receive detailed advice from practitioners who deal with various client issues in the field of tax law and financial monitoring every day. We can say that the sooner the client consults a lawyer or an advocate, the better result we can achieve in solving the client’s problem. Experts of the company “Prikhodko & Partners” will take care of your tax and legal aspects. Leave an application on the website and our lawyer/advocate will contact you in the near future.

  • Application
  • Calling a lawyer
    and defining tasks
  • Contract and payment
  • Consultation,
    case analysis, specialist work
What is the price for a lawyer's consultation and assistance?
Is it possible to get a lawyer's consultation online if it is not possible to come to the office?

Of course. We provide consultations both online and in the office. Online consultation is possible in any convenient way for the client. It can be a video call through a convenient messenger or a video conference format.

Where to complain to the tax office?

You can appeal the decision of the tax office in the district administrative court. We provide full support for tax disputes. If you need legal support that will give results – leave a request on our website.

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