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Support of tenders

Ірина Ан адвокат

Support of tenders


An Iryna

Legal support of tenders is a topical area of activity of “PRIKHODKO & PARTNERS” specialists. Since 2016, public procurement has been carried out through a single online system.

It is ideal for various types of businesses that offer their services and goods to government organizations.

Thus, there is a real possibility of obtaining long-term contracts and significant earnings. For all these possibilities, it is necessary to prepare the necessary documents in good quality. Support for tender purchases from “PRIKHODKO & PARTNERS” will help win the tender within the legal framework. As a result, customers can get the most profitable contracts.

Tender procurement: features

Let’s start with what a tender is. This is a kind of competition for goods or services, which are sold by both private and public organizations. For their needs, state enterprises are obliged to carry out public procurement. This applies, for example, to educational institutions, territorial communities, hospitals, factories, etc.

Today, commercial organizations got a chance to participate in public auctions. The specially created ProZorro system acts as an electronic space where, if desired, all suppliers and customers of services and goods can register. The main goal of the law is public and transparent procurement, without corruption schemes and in conditions of competition.

Components of tender procurement support

  • The first stage of supporting tender purchases is the preparation of the necessary documentation. It is in the tender documentation that the customer sets certain requirements for potential partners, specifying technical and other characteristics. Estimated tender documentation is determined by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine.
  • The second stage is the preparation of applications. At the same time, any number of applications can be submitted without additional interest and surcharges.
  • The third stage is the completion of the procurement procedure with the achievement of the final result – the signing of contracts.

All you need to do is choose a tender and the desired contract price.

Thus, legal support for tenders is a popular service of the lawyers of Prykhodko and Partners. If you do not know the best way to register in the electronic system, submit an application, etc., you should entrust this matter to professionals. Our lawyers will help prepare the necessary tender documentation, accompany the turnkey tender.

Independent participation in tender purchases: disadvantages

Not all tender procurement participants are able to independently analyze the specifics of the requirements for drawing up the necessary documents.

The main disadvantages of independent participation in tender procurement are:

  • Waste of a lot of time.
  • Lack of necessary skills.
  • Deviation according to documents.
  • Lack of proven analytics data.

And this is far from an exhaustive list. All you need to do to participate in tender purchases is to fill out a feedback application. “PRIKHODKO & PARTNERS” specialists will promptly contact you.

Why choose “PRIKHODKO & PARTNERS” for tender support?

Our legal company “PRIKHODKO & PARTNERS” provides full legal support and assistance in tender procurement in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On State Procurement”.

We will help:

  • Prepare a tender application.
  • Support tenders.
  • Analyze tenders and tender documentation.
  • To participate in the tender/public procurement

In addition, each of our clients can count on consulting support at various stages of tender procurement.

Thus, the key to our success is a comprehensive approach. We provide legal advice related to public procurement legislation and antitrust legislation. Your bids will be prepared without errors. We will help you deal with numerous regulatory and legislative acts and technical features of the procurement process. In addition, the lawyers of “PRIKHODKO & PARTNERS” will analyze the risks that may arise during the conduct/participation in tender purchases.

We have many years of practical experience in this field. Thanks to this, we guarantee effective interaction and the most positive result.

Sign up for a consultation! Leave a request for the calculation of the cost of support of a turnkey tender by our specialists.

Calculate the cost of services
1 question

Do you need support for your tenders?

2 question

Have you already participated in tenders?

3 question

Do you participate in more than 3 tenders per month?

Filing a complaint to the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine

Complaint against the tender customer’s decision

Preparation of the company for the tender

Appeal against cancellation of purchase

Support of public procurement appeals at AMKU

Calculation of the expected cost of the procurement of the tender

Development of individual tender documentation

ISO 9001 certification for participation in the tender

Appealing the decision of AMCU on public procurement

Explanation to AMKU about the purchase

Appealing the decision of the tender committee

Disputing the conditions of purchase on Prozoro

Response to the tender complaint in the Antimonopoly Committee (AMCU)

Consultations on public procurement

Answer to the complaint to the antimonopoly committee

Protection of the interests of the Customers in AMKU

Appeal against the rejection of a tender offer

Anti-corruption program for tender

Complaint to the Antimonopoly Committee (AMCU) about tender purchases

Challenging the terms of the tender documentation

Legal support of tenders

Appealing the tender customer’s decision on disqualification

Certificate of no debt for participation in the tender

Preparation of tender documentation for bidding with Features

Tender specialist services

Development of tender documentation

Appealing tender procedures through the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine

How to announce a tender in Prozorro

Appealing the decisions of tender customers through the court

Analysis of competitors’ bids at the tender

Verification of tender offers

Selection of tenders on a turnkey basis

Attorney for tenders and public procurement

Preparation of tender documentation

Contesting the procurement results in the Prozorro tender

Challenging the conditions of the tender documentation

Legal support of the tender

Legal support of public procurement

Legal support of public procurement

Support of turnkey public tenders

Support of public buyers

Tender support

Support of tender purchases

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How to order the service? How do we work?

You need advice or high-quality support in matters of Prozorro tenders – contact the professional lawyers of the tender department!

How the cooperation process works:

  • Application
  • Calling a lawyer
    and defining tasks
  • Contract and payment
  • Consultation,
    case analysis, specialist work
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