Apartment rental agreement between individuals

"Never, Never, Never Give Up"

Oleksandr Kolesnichenko

Head of real estate and construction practice

Construction and real estate specialist, civil engineer, specializes in land law, negotiations, and pre-trial dispute resolution.

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Apartment rental agreement between individuals

One of the most popular issues today is the issue of renting real estate, in particular, renting an apartment. In the conditions of a full-scale war, many Ukrainians were left without their own property, which is why the issue of an apartment rental agreement between individuals is more relevant than ever. In this article, we will talk about how to properly arrange living in a rented apartment in 2024.

To begin with, we note that before signing the contract, it is necessary to make sure of the legality of such a procedure. That is, the lessor must really be the owner of the home. To do this, it is enough to check the passport, the contract for the sale of the apartment, an extract from the EDR.

Lease agreement: features

The apartment is rented on the basis of a contract between individuals. This is a written document. It contains information about the residence of specific persons in the apartment. The conditions of their residence, the lease period, and the payment determined between the parties must be specified.

Although notarization is not mandatory when concluding a lease agreement, we recommend that it be done.

Renting real estate can be useful and beneficial for both parties: for the tenant and the owner, provided that the apartment rental agreement is correctly drawn up.

Apartment rental agreement between individuals

Pay attention to the basic recommendations for concluding an agreement:

  • Define the main terms.

The first thing we recommend you start with is to define the basic conditions. Among them: the rent, the duration of the agreement, the start date of the lease. These conditions should be as specific and clear as possible.

  • Describe the property.

Make a detailed description of the property in the apartment (household appliances, furniture, etc.). Indicate the general condition of the property at the time of signing the contract.

  • Define the basic rules of use.

These can be a wide variety of rules: from the possibility of carrying out cosmetic or capital repairs to the presence of pets.

By the way, regarding the issue of repair. The contract must clearly state who is responsible for the repair and maintenance of household appliances.

Apartment rental agreement between individuals

  • List the rights and responsibilities of each party.

The rights and obligations of the tenant and the owner of the real estate object must be clearly followed in the contract. We are talking, for example, about the payment of utility services, rental insurance, etc.

  • Record the terms of termination of the contract.

The agreement must clearly state the cases when the agreement can be terminated. By the way, either party can initiate termination of the contract.

These are basic rules that will help you avoid many problems. It is also very important to do a thorough ownership check. The owner of the apartment must provide documents that will serve as confirmation of the possibility of renting out the apartment. It is also worth analyzing whether there are legal restrictions or other difficulties that could theoretically affect the rental procedure.

The conclusion of an apartment lease agreement is accompanied by the submission of the following documents:

  1. Documents confirming the identity of the lessor and lessee.
  2. Documents for the apartment.
  3. Extract from the EDR.
  4. Power of attorney for the right to dispose of real estate.

Our real estate lawyers carry out a full examination of the apartment lease agreement. We will also help you draw up a rental agreement without any risks. Our main goal is to ensure the safety and protection of the interests of each client.

The importance of drawing up a lease agreement

Of course, concluding an agreement on the lease of a real estate object is the business of every person. However, if the owner of the apartment wants to do everything legally, according to the law and wants to protect himself from claims by tax officials, the right decision will be to conclude an apartment rental agreement with notarization.

The lease agreement is an important document that clearly divides the rights and obligations of the lessor and the lessee. This agreement allows for the resolution of conflicting situations that may arise between individuals without further legal proceedings.

It will also be useful: Land lease agreement

For tenants, signing the contract is also very important. This will protect them, for example, from an increase in fees for housing or communal services, unplanned eviction, etc. In addition, an apartment lease agreement between individuals is grounds for court action. It can be used as proof of your own arguments. The legalization of this procedure will allow any conflict situations to be resolved through the court as quickly and qualitatively as possible.

Therefore, we recommend that you sign a lease agreement. Our real estate lawyers guarantee you comprehensive support. We will be able to help even in the most difficult situations.

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Oleksandr Kolesnichenko
Head of real estate and construction practice

Construction and real estate specialist, civil engineer, specializes in land law, negotiations, and pre-trial dispute resolution.

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