Pension indexation for military pensioners

"Amаt victoria curam – victory loves diligence".

Kolhanov Ivan

Head of military law practice

Specializes in administrative law, recalculation of pensions for former policemen and military personnel, including (SBU, NSU, DSNS, DPSU, SZR), specialist in military law. Entered the TOP-100 lawyers of Ukraine for 2023 and the TOP-10 lawyers in military law.

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Pension indexation for military pensioners

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Military pensions are a topic in which interest does not subside. This is natural, given that retired military personnel regularly face many artificially created complications. Therefore, on the Internet, people regularly search for information on these search queries, and they turn to lawyers for the interpretation of legal norms and assistance in the format of representing interests when interacting with government agencies.

What is the problem with indexing?

When it comes to the indexation of pensions, which took place in 2022 and 2023, the Pension Fund of Ukraine, unfortunately, takes a position that violates the rights of military pensioners. In short, pensions are not recalculated in accordance with current legal regulations. Therefore, people have to be determined and go to court, having previously enlisted good support. It can be provided by the team of the law office “Prikhodko&Partners”.

What does the law say?

Analyzing the current legislation on this topic, one should mention the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 118 of February 16, 2023 “On the indexation of pensions and measures to increase the level of social protection of the most vulnerable segments of the population in 2022”. Also important in the legal regulation of the issue of indexation is Decree № 168 of February 24, 2023 “On the indexation of pension and insurance payments and additional measures to increase the level of social protection of the most vulnerable segments of the population in 2023”.

We are well aware that it can be difficult for our clients to understand such issues on their own, therefore, for our part, we do everything to explain the complex as simply as possible, and most importantly, to effectively solve the problem.

What do the numbers say?

If we move away from complex legal formulations into a practical financial plane, then the following figures will be relevant here:

  • in 2022, the military pension increased by 14% of the monetary allowance;
  • in 2023, it increased by 19.7% of the allowance.

If in practice everything happened as the law stipulates, it would be possible to put an end to this, however, the Pension Fund, for its part, allows numerous violations of the rights of retired servicemen.

How does everything really happen?

Among the most common problems faced by a military pensioner from the PFC, one can note:

  • limiting the maximum payment of the indexation amount in 2023 in the amount of UAH 1,500;
  • gross violations in the case of limiting the maximum amount of pension, where indexation amounts are accrued, but not paid;
  • situations where, even when the maximum size limit is removed, this happens only by the time of indexing, that is, 2022 and 2023, respectively.

Unfortunately, this is exactly the situation in a real practical context.

What to do with it?

It is possible to solve all the listed problems and violations on the part of the PFC only in court. The extrajudicial way of regulating the problem, unfortunately, does not work. Both the military pensioners themselves and their representatives, who tried to look at this situation more optimistically, could be convinced of this more than once. Therefore, you should be realistic and act in accordance with the situation. And it is the following – the effectiveness shows only a judicial way of upholding rights.


The team of the law office “Prikhodko&Partners” has extensive experience and knows how to oblige the PFU authorities to recalculate the pension without limiting the maximum amount, taking into account indexations in accordance with the resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers № 118 and 168.

If you tried to solve the problem yourself and failed, do not give up. Despite the fact that the described situation is unfair, this category of cases, with the right approach, is advantageous. So contact us – we will help you defend your rights.

Calculate the cost of services

1 question

Did you recalculate the pension based on the updated certificate?


2 question

Is your pension limited to a maximum of UAH 20,930?


3 question

Do you live in Kyiv or Kyiv region?

Kolhanov Ivan
Head of military law practice

Specializes in administrative law, recalculation of pensions for former policemen and military personnel, including (SBU, NSU, DSNS, DPSU, SZR), specialist in military law. Entered the TOP-100 lawyers of Ukraine for 2023 and the TOP-10 lawyers in military law.

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