Checking the office for auditions

«We will protect your rights and inviolability of your honor and dignity!»

Kovalev Artem

Head of criminal law practice

Expert in criminal and international law. He also specializes in crimes in the field of military activity and in the financial sector.

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Checking the office for auditions

Unfortunately, in today’s world of innovative technologies, every person can become the object of close attention from competitors or enemies. Today, there are more than enough ways to interfere not only in personal life, but also in anyone’s business. One of the most common ways of obtaining information is, for example, the installation of listening devices. That is why a very relevant service of the specialists of our law office Prykhodko and Partners is the inspection of the office for listening.


Peculiarities of checking office premises for eavesdropping

Modern technology allows you to imperceptibly follow anyone. For “victims” of eavesdropping, this can have a number of negative consequences: theft of company secrets, psychological discomfort, blackmail by attackers, publication of unwanted audio recordings. All these negative consequences can be avoided if “bugs” are detected and dismantled in a timely manner.

In everyday life, hidden devices for eavesdropping are called “bugs”. This device is the most common. It is quite difficult to detect them, because their size ranges from several millimeters. Quite often, “bugs” are presented in the form of ordinary things that do not arouse suspicion: lighters, ballpoint pens, electronic devices.

That is why, in most cases, it is quite difficult to independently detect elements of listening. First, they can be located in many places. Secondly, attackers can notice the efforts of an unprofessional search for “bugs”. Thirdly, it is possible to effectively detect such devices only with the help of special equipment.

Our specialists will help to quickly and correctly dismantle “bugs” and other listening devices. This is a guarantee of your protection against blackmail, theft of information and other negative consequences.

Checking the office for audition involves certain stages. First of all, our specialists will talk with customers about the reasons for their suspicions about the presence of listening devices.

The next stage is to carry out work on the detection of listening devices. The algorithm of actions depends on each specific situation. Among the components of the general procedure:

  • Analysis of the premises for the presence of places where listening devices may be located.
  • Diagnostics of such places.
  • Checking employees’ mobile devices for the installation of eavesdropping programs.
  • The use of modern technology that helps to quickly and effectively identify “bugs”.
  • Dismantling of found devices.
  • Advising customers and providing necessary information.


Assistance of specialists in checking offices for listening

Therefore, checking the office for listening is a fairly relevant service. For example, it will allow company managers to protect their own official and commercial secrets from competitors. Only professionals will help you reliably and effectively protect your own interests.

We use special equipment to detect “bugs”. It allows you to find various electronic devices. As you know, such devices have two main characteristics: the need for constant power supply and the need to transmit information to the owner. Thanks to the use of accurate professional equipment, you can easily find all devices that emit at least minimal electromagnetic waves. We guarantee the best possible result!

Do you still have questions? We are waiting for a preliminary consultation! Fill out the form below to calculate the cost of the services of office audit specialists.

Calculate the cost of services

1 question

Do you have suspicions about wiretapping your office?


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Do you need to conduct an office inspection for "bugs"?


3 question

Are you looking for a reliable company to carry out an office audit for listening?

Kovalev Artem
Head of criminal law practice

Expert in criminal and international law. He also specializes in crimes in the field of military activity and in the financial sector.

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