Road attorney

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Zal Dmytro Oleksandrovych

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Road attorney

In the modern world, every second citizen owns a vehicle, because it is a convenient way of moving, which is always at hand.

This indicates a tendency to increase the number of road accidents because not every driver conscientiously follows traffic rules in practice.

In addition, a person can also be stopped by the employees of the National Police and illegally brought to administrative responsibility, which, unfortunately, is not uncommon in Ukraine today.

Therefore, if you are constantly behind the wheel of a vehicle and are faced with similar problems, you should engage the support of a professional traffic lawyer from the Prikhodko and Partners law firm.

Who is a traffic lawyer and what are the reasons for his involvement in the case?

A traffic lawyer should be understood as a professional lawyer who perfectly understands all practical and theoretical nuances when solving issues related to bringing a person to administrative responsibility, protecting a citizen’s rights against illegal actions of National Police officers, compensation for damage due to road accidents, etc.

That is, a traffic lawyer deals with all legal issues that may arise with the driver of a vehicle on the road.

The main reasons for engaging a traffic lawyer in a case are:

  • 80% of car owners cannot legally correctly fill out the “Europrotocol” or refuse to sign it at all;
  • about 40% of cases of bringing a person to administrative responsibility by employees of the National Police are illegal because they do not prove the person’s guilt;
  • in more than 60% of cases, insurance companies refuse to indemnify the injured person as a result of an accident;
  • constant changes and amendments to traffic rules and Ukrainian legislation do not allow drivers of vehicles to fully familiarize themselves with them and successfully apply them in practice.

Thus, a traffic lawyer understands all these problematic aspects and helps citizens to protect their rights in any life situations that occur while driving vehicles.

What services can a traffic lawyer provide?

The range of services provided by a traffic lawyer is quite wide.

First of all, he is engaged in:

  • provision of preliminary consultations to effectively resolve the situation in practice;
  • drawing up the documentation necessary for challenging the resolutions of the National Police bodies on bringing a person to justice;
  • filing lawsuits against insurance companies for the purpose of obtaining insurance compensation;
  • writing a statement of claim to apply to the judicial authorities for the purpose of compensation for material losses and moral damage due to the occurrence of a road accident;
  • representation of the client’s interests in law enforcement and judicial authorities;
  • providing services for returning a driver’s license;
  • clarification of the problematic aspects of traffic laws, Ukrainian legislation, and the rights and obligations of the driver of the vehicle.

Importantly! The specified list of services is incomplete, as it can be expanded depending on the individual circumstances of the case.

Why should you contact lawyers from the Prikhodko and Partners law firm?

  • Many years of work experience and excellent knowledge. Our lawyers have not only experience in the field of administrative law but also, most importantly, practical knowledge regarding the application of the provisions of current legislation in practice.
  • Excellent communication skills. When providing assistance in a case, our lawyers first find out all the necessary details and circumstances that have arisen with the client in practice, and only then explain how the client’s interests should be protected.
  • Building a defense strategy. The success of any case depends on the primary strategy for protecting the interests and rights of the citizens. That is why the company’s lawyers fully understand the complexity of this aspect in practice and constantly improve their relevant skills in developing an effective action plan for the case.
  • Individual approach. Every case that happens to a citizen in practice is individual, requiring a special approach. The lawyers of the office analyze all aspects of the case, taking into account the unique circumstances, evidence, and needs of the client in such a way that the cooperation brings the maximum result for the person and he is satisfied with the final result.
  • Excellent reputation. Our company has been working on the legal services market for more than 6 years, and during this time we were able to gain a good reputation as a firm that constantly cares about its clients and achieving success in the case.

So, if you need a traffic lawyer, you should contact the experts from the Prikhodko and Partners law firm, because we know how to protect your rights and interests.

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Are you interested in assistance under Article 130 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses?


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Are you interested in assistance under Article 124 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses?


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Are you interested in the help of a lawyer due to a road accident?


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