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Divorce lawyer

Often, divorce proceedings turn into family wars involving relatives and friends. In many cases, a divorce lawyer helps to dot the i’s. First, there is already a lot to know about your legal rights, as well as about the restrictions. Secondly, during a divorce, a lawyer will take over the paperwork and communication with the spouse in order to try to reach a consensus, and this is already a lot.

The assistance of a lawyer in divorce is offered within the framework of the family law practice of the Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm. We will give you useful advice, prepare the necessary documents in your case, and represent your interests in court. If a good lawyer takes on the case, divorce becomes the beginning of a new page in life, and not a source of headache.Divorce lawyer services: turnkey package prices

For your information! Often, divorce is complicated by certain nuances, for example: the wife is pregnant or the husband is constantly abroad. In such situations, a divorce lawyer develops an individual action plan.

But there are also standard situations when a general algorithm of actions can be used. In such cases, a divorce lawyer is involved in order to save time and nerves as much as possible. The entire procedure for divorce can be almost completely shifted to him.

Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm offers the following “package” services:

  • Divorce through the Civil Registry Office in the absence of common children under 18 years of age and in the presence of mutual consent.
  • Divorce through court in the presence of common children, mutual consent and without division of property.

*** Note: If you are looking for information on the request “divorce lawyer Kiev price”, decide on a fundamental point: the division of property will be carried out simultaneously with the divorce or separately.

Divorce lawyer in Kiev: useful tips

The best confirmation of how much a divorce lawyer is in demand is Kiev, where up to five thousand divorces of marriage are registered annually. Intensive work provides an opportunity to gain practical experience.

The specialists of our company are ready to share some important nuances:

You can now file for divorce online through the service https://dracs.minjust.gov.ua. In this case, we are only talking about filing an application with the Civil Registry Office (for couples who can divorce through the Civil Registry Office). For direct registration of divorce, you will definitely have to visit the registry office in person on the chosen day and time.

Do not confuse divorce with resolving other related issues. Any experienced divorce lawyer in the city of Kiev will confirm that it is better to file a lawsuit for divorce separately, and divide property, decide the fate of children and settle the alimony issue separately.

In the absence of a desire to get a divorce, there are many legal opportunities to delay the process. A divorce lawyer will help with this too. For example, the court may suspend the proceedings if there are valid reasons for the failure of a party to appear (illness, long-term business trip).

Important! Typing in the search box the query “divorce lawyer Kiev”, be prepared to honestly state your circumstances and tell about your intentions. Only with the necessary information, the specialist will be able to offer the best solution.

Divorce through a lawyer in the civil registry office: features of the procedure

For your information! Let’s define the concepts: the abbreviation ZAGS (registration of acts of civil status) is not officially used now. This is a relic of Soviet times. Registration of both marriage and its dissolution is handled by the departments of GRAGS or RAGS – state registration of acts of civil status.

If the couple does not have children under 18 years old, and both agree with the need to dissolve the marriage, then you can contact the Civil Registry Office. If you are accompanied by a divorce lawyer, your participation will be limited to the following:

  • short consultation;
  • transfer of documents according to the list;
  • personal visit to the Civil Registry Office;
  • getting a certificate of divorce in your hands.

Important! If in standard situations for the dissolution of a marriage through the Civil Registry Office, the involvement of a lawyer is a matter of personal choice, then in some cases such a specialist cannot be dispensed with. Divorce lawyer services may include:

  • assistance with divorce without visiting the Civil Registry Office by both spouses, for example, when one of the married couple is serving a sentence in the MLS;
  • support in the procedure for divorce at the request of only one spouse (if someone from a married couple is recognized as missing / incompetent by a court decision).

Divorce Lawyer Services in Court: Benefits of Professional Assistance

Dozens of times a day, Internet users receive requests such as: “lawyer for a divorce price” or “lawyer for a divorce price”. And although such a question as the cost of a lawyer in a divorce is important, be sure to take into account the factor of the ratio of the professionalism of a specialist with the price of services. Especially if there is a trial ahead.

For your information! When planning a divorce, consulting a lawyer is the first thing you should go through. First, communication with a lawyer helps to clarify the specifics of the upcoming procedure, the costs of it and the estimated time frame. Secondly, based on the results of the consultation, you can determine whether a lawyer is suitable for you for divorce in court.

An experienced family lawyer is waiting for you at Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm – in his practice, divorce cases are invariably given worthy attention. Legal representation services cover:

  • preparation of a statement of claim and other documents;
  • participation in meetings;
  • assistance in solving such difficult problems as divorce during pregnancy, preventing the spouse from delaying the process, and so on.

If you are supported by a good lawyer, the dissolution of the marriage is as close to your plans and expectations as possible.

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