Lawyer under Art. 203-2 of the Criminal Code – Illegal activity of organizing or conducting gambling games, lotteries

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Lawyer under Art. 203-2 of the Criminal Code – Illegal activity of organizing or conducting gambling games, lotteries

Recently, the fight against illegal activities in the field of gambling and lotteries has intensified in Ukraine. Legislative norms in this regard are contained in Article 203-2 of the Criminal Code.

In this regard, the need for qualified legal assistance of a lawyer in cases related to the violation of Art. 203-2 of the Civil Code. A lawyer can provide effective protection to persons accused of illegal gambling business organization.


What is the illegal activity provided for in Article 203-2 of the Criminal Code?

Illegal activities include the organization or conduct of gambling or lotteries without proper permission or license.

Such activity includes:

  • gambling announcements;
  • collecting bets from players;
  • creation of game sites or other organization of the game without obtaining the necessary documents from the state authorities.

The direct conduct of lotteries by a person who does not have the status of a lottery operator is also illegal. That is, in general, such actions violate the law, because they are carried out without obtaining appropriate permits.

What is the intended liability?

The latest changes to the regulatory legal acts of Ukraine have significantly increased liability for violations in the field of gambling business.

In particular, the new edition of the relevant Law and Article 203-2 of the Criminal Code provide for severe sanctions for:

  • Gambling without a license from a specially authorized state body;
  • Creation of online platforms for illegal access of players to gambling;
  • Organization and release of lotteries by a person without the status of a lottery operator.

Such illegal actions entail both financial fines and the deprivation of certain rights and the ability to hold certain positions.

The state seeks to strictly control the sphere of the gambling business, establishing strict liability for its violations.

It is important to know!

A game of chance is a game involving a monetary contribution, the outcome of which depends on chance.

A license is a permit issued by state authorities for a certain type of activity.


Does legality depend on the person who performs the actions?

Absolutely not, it doesn’t depend!

Illegal organization of gambling or lotteries can be carried out by any person – natural or legal.

Such a crime encroaches on the rules established by the state regarding the conduct of gambling and lottery business. These rules are designed to protect citizens from fraud and other risks.

A person who organizes gambling or lotteries illegally is aware that he is doing so without the proper license or status as a lottery operator. She wants to make a profit from such activities.

Illegal organization of gambling games or lotteries may consist of advertising them, collecting bets, creating gaming sites, etc. without obtaining permits. Specific actions depend on the type of game or lottery and the way they are organized.

A professional lawyer is the key to success

The lawyers of the company “Prykhodko and Partners” have considerable experience in defending persons accused of violating the legislation on gambling and lotteries (Article 203-2 of the Criminal Code).

They professionally protect the rights and interests of clients in such criminal cases – contesting accusations, collecting evidence in favor of the defendants, and conducting trials.

By contacting the company’s lawyers, clients can count on high-quality protection and representation of their interests in cases under Article 203-2 of the Criminal Code.
Contact qualified specialists to protect your rights!

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