Pension lawyer

Assistant lawyer

Specializes in civil and administrative law, recalculation of military pensions

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Pension lawyer

Pension lawyer


Kolhanov Ivan

What questions does a pension attorney answer during consultations?

Often, a pension lawyer explains:

  • What types of pensions are paid in Ukraine?
  • How is retirement age determined?
  • What documents prove the length of service?
  • What to do if there is not enough seniority for retirement?
  • How can I buy seniority? How much does it cost?
  • Will the experience gained abroad be taken into account when applying for a pension in Ukraine?
  • How to apply for a pension on preferential terms?
  • What is the amount of the insurance premium in 2021 for individuals faces?
  • Does the length of service include military service or years of study (university, vocational school, etc.)?
  • How will receiving unemployment benefits for a period of time affect my pension?
  • Is maternity leave included in the insurance period?

Pension lawyer in the city of Kiev will help you navigate these issues, as well as give advice on obtaining a “Card of Kiev” (“Municipal card”).

For your information! Pension lawyers at Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm work both in the office and remotely. Therefore, all advisory services are provided to both residents of the capital and clients from the regions. You can send us a request for consultation by e-mail or messenger (Viber, WhatsApp, Skype, Telegram), as well as contact us by phone.

How can a pension lawyer help you when applying for a pension?

Continuous amendments to the legislation lead to disorientation of Ukrainian citizens applying for a pension. The media representatives add their share to the general confusion. As a result, when applying for a pension, the chance to take advantage of all legal opportunities is often lost.Bogdan Chernikov

Important! Pension lawyers of our company:

make the process of applying for a pension simple and convenient;
calculate the maximum pension.

Among the areas of our work:

  • Search for the former employer (his successor, archive) in any city and in any country.
  • Assistance in registration, re-registration, transfer (from abroad / abroad) of a pension.
  • Opening a retirement account in a bank and transferring pension payments to the bank.
  • Conclusion of an agreement on the purchase of retirement experience (agreement on voluntary participation in the system of compulsory state social insurance).

What will a retirement lawyer suggest to resolve a dispute?

When conflicts with representatives of the Pension Fund escalate, pension lawyers consider two options for action:

administrative appeal against actions / decisions of the relevant body / representative of the PF – filing a complaint with the higher body of the PF;

filing a claim with the PF in court.

For your information! Judicial practice is developing in favor of pensioners. Experienced pension lawyers help to win in court in various cases of calculating a pension with violations of the law or refusing to calculate a pension.

Our attorney for pension affairs in Kiev is waiting for your requests, and is ready to start work immediately!

How we are working:

Leave a request in a way convenient for you: through the feedback form by e-mail or call
We hold a meeting, discuss the terms of cooperation
We sign a contract, you pay for the service and we immediately start working on your question

Calculate the cost of services

1 question

Are you getting a military pension now?


2 question

Did you retire before 2018?


3 question

Have you had your pension recalculated in court?

Kolhanov Ivan
Assistant lawyer

Specializes in civil and administrative law, recalculation of military pensions

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