Loan lawyer

«Everyone who cooperates with us frees himself from onerous loans. We process bankruptcy "on a turnkey basis" throughout Ukraine!»

Kolesnyk Ilya

Assistant lawyer

Specialist in bankruptcy of individuals and legal entities. Provides legal support in bankruptcy procedures for individuals, private limited liability companies, legal entities, as well as closing executive proceedings, concluding restructuring and settlement agreements with financial institutions

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Loan lawyer

Loan lawyer


Kolesnyk Ilya

Credit Debt Assistance

Credit is not a sentence. You can always find a way out»Ugrin Svyatoslav

In the modern world, disputes arise quite regularly between citizens, enterprises and banking, financial institutions. Also bank loans, loans, mortgages, pledges, and, accordingly, sureties are quite popular among the population, including the business environment.

And that is precisely why the area under consideration includes such a huge range of legal situations, as well as legal disputes, which are very different in complexity from others, including the basic requirement for a certain specificity of knowledge, as well as the practice of a lawyer on debts, mortgages, microloans, etc. etc.

Based on the above aspects, the activities of loan lawyers and loan lawyers are becoming more and more popular, especially when considering the business sphere, since such disputes arise regularly in the business environment. Quite popular is the search for a good loan lawyer in the city of Kiev.

A loan attorney mainly helps borrowers in the case when a banking institution files a lawsuit against the borrower, or against the borrower and the guarantor, especially in the case of exceeding the amount of accounts payable, according to the clauses of the loan agreement. In this case, the court directly obliges the borrower, or the borrower and the guarantor, to return the loan amount, including interest and penalties, which is many times higher than the loan amount. Based on such situations, the help of a specialist in credit debts, such as a loan attorney, is becoming more and more relevant, and this assistance with credit debts is becoming more and more needed.
High-quality legal assistance for loans primarily depends on the level of training of the lawyer, as well as the availability of all case materials. Consulting a lawyer on credit debts is that when analyzing the above case materials, each credit attorney carefully checks for any illegal conditions in the loan agreement, as well as in the attached documents.
Credit attorney services include:

  • detailed study and analysis of the provided documents,
  • acting as an intermediary between the borrower and the lender,
  • drafting legal claims against banking and financial institutions,
  • representation in court of the interests of the borrower, lender.

Legal advice on credit debts

Legal advice on credit debts is one of the rather complex processes that requires a specialist who has quite a lot of experience in such matters. Legal advice on loans provides for a thorough analysis of the documents provided for compliance with the requirements of the relevant legislation in case of filing lawsuits.

Online loan lawyer

In the field of information technology, in the online field, legal protection is gaining significant demand, especially for online loans, which have become very popular today. So, people who decide to take loans online are increasingly resorting to the services of a lawyer for online loans, and the number of such persons is only increasing every day. An online loan lawyer will provide the necessary legal assistance if a borrower has a dispute with a financial institution that issued a loan online.

Basically, such disputes relate to the delay in the payment of credit debt, which entails huge interest and penalties. Turning to an online loan lawyer in such situations is the right step, since a loan debt lawyer, or an experienced loan lawyer, thanks to his specific knowledge and practice, will help you resolve the situation with a financial institution.Ugrin Svyatoslav

Micro-loan lawyer Kiev

It should be noted that there is a previously mentioned microloan. Note that it is a microloan.

Let’s define what is a microloan. A microloan is a loan for a relatively small amount on average from three to fifteen thousand hryvnia, received from a micro financial enterprise for return with huge interest, for an average period of 7 to 30 calendar days. The demand for this type of loan is expressed in the fact that in order to obtain it, there is no need for a certificate from the place of work, as well as a corresponding document on the person’s income.

In a situation that arises in the presence of financial and legal disputes between a lender and a borrower in the field of microloans, a microloan lawyer comes to the rescue. After all, as you know, microloans are one of the most popular types of lending that are taken by people who urgently need a certain amount of money, because, often, an illusion is created that returning the specified type of debt will not be quite difficult, but in the end it all comes down to another.
A microloan lawyer in the city of Kiev is always ready to help resolve such disputes and settle a certain financial and legal situation. It is worth noting that the illusion that there is an opportunity not to give the specified microloan is only self-deception, and you still have to return a certain amount of money. The role of a loan attorney in this situation plays an important role, since it is a qualified lawyer who will be able to help you in such a situation, as well as to minimize the size of the loan, or in court to reduce the huge interest.

Consider the main types of work of a microloan lawyer:

  • the possibility of zeroing interest and penalties that are directly related to illegal accrual;
  • removal of arrest from property;
  • preventing illegal seizure of property;
  • stopping the active work of collection organizations in relation to the borrower;
  • the possibility of delaying time for debt repayment in order to prevent a court decision on enforced collection;
  • resolving issues related to bankruptcy, when the value of your own property significantly exceeds the amount owed;
  • resolving the issue of the possibility of repayment of credit debt with a certain “discount” through the redemption of rights under a loan agreement.

Credit attorney

As we can see, the sphere of credit services is one of the most difficult in the modern world, and therefore, when using the services of this sphere, whether it is a banking institution or a microloan enterprise, one should be extremely careful, since situations associated with conflicts in this sphere, are quite frequent, and, characteristically, last a long period of time. It should be noted that, in comparison with previous years, the accounts payable of individuals is growing at a rapid pace.

In the event of a problematic situation with a banking institution, or a microloan enterprise, you must immediately contact a qualified credit attorney who will help you in solving your problem with the maximum protection of your rights and interests.

In order to protect your rights as much as possible during such situations, we recommend that you use the services of a professional credit attorney. Take advantage of the help of our specialists, whose experience and skills will help protect your rights as much as possible.

How we work:

Leave a request in a convenient way for you: through the feedback form by e-mail or call
We hold a meeting, discuss the terms of cooperation
We sign a contract, you pay for the service and we start working on your question right away

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1 question

Have other lawyers or attorneys been involved in your case?


2 question

Loan agreement with a bank or an MFI?


3 question

Amount of debt exceeds UAH 180,000?


4 question

Are you in Kiev or Kiev region?


5 question

Do you need legal assistance urgently?

Kolesnyk Ilya
Assistant lawyer

Specialist in bankruptcy of individuals and legal entities. Provides legal support in bankruptcy procedures for individuals, private limited liability companies, legal entities, as well as closing executive proceedings, concluding restructuring and settlement agreements with financial institutions

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