Return of driver’s license after an accident

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Return of driver’s license after an accident

Every year, the number of traffic accidents on the roads only increases, as the world statistics of their perpetration by vehicle drivers indicate.

Ukraine is not an exception in this aspect, and that is why road accidents constantly happen in our country.

If a person is guilty of committing a traffic accident, he may be deprived of his driver’s license for the appropriate term by a court decision. However, what to do in this case, and how to get your rights back after an accident?

Lawyers from the “Prikhodko and Partners” law firm will provide an answer to this question.

What types of penalties are provided for in the Code of Criminal Procedure?

As a rule, in practice, citizens who commit administrative offenses for which the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for liability may apply such types of sanctions as:

  • warning;
  • fines;
  • paid seizure or confiscation of the item that caused the commission of an administrative offense;
  • confiscation of a driver’s license;
  • sending a person to community or correctional work;
  • administrative arrest;
  • arrest at the guardhouse.

Thus, not only the deprivation of his right to drive cars but also other types of penalties can be applied to a citizen for committing a traffic accident.

In what cases can a person’s rights be taken away?

Today in Ukraine, the most common reasons for withdrawal of a driver’s license from a citizen is:

  • creation by the car driver of an accident for other road users;
  • ignoring the legal request of the employees of the National Police to stop the car;
  • disregarding traffic rules when crossing a railroad crossing (in particular, leaving the tracks when traffic is prohibited);
  • driving a car that is technically defective (violation of the normal operation of the braking system, steering, etc.);
  • driving a car under the influence of narcotic or alcoholic substances;
  • if the driver of the car caused an accident and damaged other citizens’ vehicles, road surfaces,s and other property by his actions.

Importantly!  This list of reasons for depriving the driver of a vehicle is incomplete, as there are other reasons in the Code of Administrative Offenses, when a person’s driver’s license can be revoked.

How is it possible to return rights after an accident?

The general procedure for the return of rights begins with two main legal nuances, namely:

  • If a person was issued a license for 30 years.

In this case, the procedure for returning the rights will consist of retaking the theoretical and practical exams for obtaining a driver’s license.

If a citizen has two or more open categories in his driver’s license, then the exams are held according to the higher category.

In situations where a citizen was deprived of his rights as a result of driving a car while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, he will additionally need to undergo a second medical examination, and then take exams at the territorial service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

  • If a person was issued a license for 2 years (i.e. for the first time).

As a general rule, a revoked driver’s license cannot be returned, as it is considered invalid from the moment it is revoked and is subject to destruction.

And therefore, in order to return the rights, the citizen repeatedly undergoes a medical examination, retraining at an educational institution (driving school), passes a theoretical and practical exam.

And only after that he receives a driver’s license again for 2 years, which in the future can be obtained for 30 years.

If you still have questions regarding the return of rights after a traffic accident, lawyers from the Prikhodko and Partners law office will be able to help you in this situation.

Our team employs only qualified and experienced specialists who will clarify all problematic aspects of this legal issue during the provision of both oral and written consultations. So don’t delay and contact us!

Calculate the cost of services

1 question

Have you had your driver's license revoked?


2 question

Are you the culprit of the road accident?


3 question

Is the case in court?


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