Compensation for damage caused by a road accident

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Compensation for damage caused by a road accident

In any country, traffic accidents (hereinafter referred to as road accidents) occur every day, which indicates a fairly high rate of occurrence of this unpleasant event in practice.

Ukraine is not an exception in this aspect, as indicated by the statistics of the total number of road accidents for 2023 – 23,642 accidents in which citizens were killed or injured.

Because of this, the issue of compensation for property and non-property damage as a result of road accidents is relevant today in Ukraine.

Therefore, in this informative article, we will analyze how it is possible to compensate for damage in the event that a citizen is involved in a road accident.

What should be understood by the damage that occurred in the event of a road accident?

From the analysis of the current legal acts of Ukraine, it can be seen that the damage subject to compensation as a result of a road accident should be understood as the complete loss or reduction of the material wealth of the injured party, as a result of the violation of his legal rights by the perpetrator of the road accident, as well as the loss of non-material goods (the health of a person or his life, etc.).

Who has the right to compensate for damage caused by a road accident and where should I contact?

Cases related to the resolution of disputed issues regarding compensation for damage caused as a result of a road accident are considered by the courts in the procedure of legal proceedings according to the general rules of jurisdiction.

Therefore, citizens who are registered at the place of residence or stay of the defendant or at the place of infliction of such damage and who are the injured party in the case have the right to file such a claim with the judicial authority.

As a general rule, individuals or legal entities who have suffered material and moral damage as a result of a road accident have the right to apply to the court.

Thus, plaintiffs can be:

  • road accident participants;
  • owners of cars that suffered material damage;
  • owners of cars with whom guilty citizens were in labor relations;
  • insurance companies that have concluded an insurance contract with car owners;
  • third parties who do not make independent claims on the subject of the dispute.

The defendants in such categories of cases are:

  • vehicle owners;
  • a citizen who is guilty of committing a road accident;
  • citizens who illegally took possession of a car and an accident occurred due to their fault;
  • insurance organizations;
  • parents, guardians and custodians, if the person responsible for the accident is a child under the age of 18.

What damage can be compensated as a result of a road accident?

  1. Material damage due to vehicle damage;
  2. Moral damage in connection with the presence of mental suffering suffered by the injured person as a result of damage or complete physical destruction of his vehicle;
  3. Lost profit, especially when the car was used for the business activity of an individual or legal entity;
  4. If the injured person received mutilation or other health damage as a result of a road accident, he has the right to compensation for lost income due to the loss of his working capacity or medical expenses;
  5. In the event of the death of the injured person as a result of a road accident, the expenses for his burial are subject to compensation. In such a case, the persons who were dependent on the injured party and the child who was born after her death have the right to apply to the court;

Do you have additional questions about car accident compensation?

In this case, obtaining legal assistance from the Prikhodko and Partners law office will be more appropriate than ever.

Our specialists understand the complexity and importance of this issue for the company’s clients and therefore are always ready to provide appropriate legal support in the matter.

In addition, our firm works only for results for clients. To receive assistance, fill out the form below and our lawyer will contact you shortly.

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Have you received a fine under Article 130 of the Civil Procedure Code? Do you want to appeal the imposition of a fine and liability under Article 124 of the Code of Civil Procedure? Have you been in an accident and you need to compensate for the damages caused by the other party, or vice versa? Leave a request on this site or call the indicated phone numbers and we will help you with related car issues.

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