Consultation of a lawyer on labor law

«We protect your interests with knowledge and experience.»

Zal Dmytro Oleksandrovych

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Consultation of a lawyer on labor law

Labor law is a complex and dynamic branch of law that regulates relations between employees and employers. Regardless of your status, understanding your rights and responsibilities is key to creating a fair and productive work environment. That is why the consultation of a labor law lawyer can be invaluable in many situations.

When to seek advice?

labor lawyer consultation

  1. When concluding an employment contract, a lawyer will help analyze the terms of the contract, identify potentially unfavorable clauses and propose changes to protect your interests.
  2. In case of violation of labor rights - illegal dismissal, withholding of wages, discrimination, bullying, etc. A lawyer will assess the situation and offer a defense strategy.
  3. In the event of a labor dispute, a qualified lawyer will help resolve the conflict with the employer or employee, avoiding lengthy court proceedings.
  4. To clarify changes in legislation, labor legislation is constantly updated. A lawyer will help you understand how the new regulations affect your rights and obligations.

Consult with a labor lawyer

What does labor law consultation include?

  1. Analysis of the situation based on your description of the problem and the documents you provided.
  2. Explanation of legal norms and the nuances of their application in your case.
  3. Assessment of the prospects for a successful solution to your problem and possible risks.
  4. Development of a strategy to protect your rights, including pre-trial and judicial methods.
  5. Answers to additional questions.

It will also be useful: Labor lawyer

Advantages of professional consultation:

  1. Saving time and resources - a lawyer will help you quickly navigate the situation and avoid mistakes that can lead to lengthy legal proceedings.
  2. Protection against manipulation - knowing your rights will help you resist pressure from unscrupulous employers.
  3. Confidence in actions - understanding the legal aspects, you will be able to make informed decisions about your work.
  4. The possibility of pre-trial resolution - competent consultation often allows you to resolve the conflict without going to court.

Consult with a lawyer

The company "Prikhodko and Partners" covers almost all areas of law, including labor law. We have 6 specialists working in this area of ​​jurisprudence, each with a unique practice in the field. This allows us to provide high-quality services at all stages: from conducting an in-depth consultation to creating an optimal strategy for protecting your rights.

What services does a labor law lawyer provide?

  • Analysis and drafting of employment contracts, job descriptions and other documents.
  • Consultations on hiring, transfer, dismissal of employees.
  • Development of internal documents of the enterprise (rules of internal labor regulations, provisions on labor remuneration, etc.).
  • Representation of the interests of employees or employers in labor disputes.
  • Support of the procedure of staff reduction and mass layoffs.
  • Consultations on occupational health and safety issues.
  • Help in solving issues related to wages, vacations, and sick leave.
  • Protection of the rights of employees in cases of discrimination or illegal dismissal.
  • Consultations on the specifics of employment of foreigners.
  • Support during inspections by control bodies (State Labor, Tax Service).
  • Development of a defense strategy in case of labor conflicts and legal disputes.
  • Consultations on issues of financial responsibility of employees.

Calculate the cost of legal assistance

How to prepare for the consultation?

  1. Collect all documents relevant to your situation (employment contract, orders, correspondence, etc.).
  2. Prepare a chronological description of the events.
  3. Formulate clear questions to the lawyer.
  4. Be prepared to provide additional information when requested by a lawyer.

Remember that a timely appeal to a labor law lawyer can not only help resolve the current problem, but also prevent new conflicts from arising in the future. Professional advice is an investment in your peace of mind and confidence in the workplace.

Calculate the cost of services

1 question

Need to resolve a conflict between an employer and an employee?


2 question

Does the question concern the contractual obligations of the employee or the employer?


3 question

Is the question related to salary payments?


Specializes in protection of copyrights, inventions, patents, trademarks, support of tenders, protection of consumer rights, disputes with insurance companies, legal support in cases of administrative offenses.

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How to order the service? How do we work?

“Prykhodko and Partners” experts have deep knowledge of the specifics of labor legislation and experience in effective resolution of labor disputes. We provide comprehensive consultations on all issues of labor law, as well as provide comprehensive legal support for both employers and employees at all stages of cooperation.

  • Application
  • Calling a lawyer
    and defining tasks
  • Contract and payment
  • Consultation,
    case analysis, specialist work
What is the price for a lawyer's consultation and assistance?
In which regions of Ukraine do you work?

With its head office in Kyiv, the law firm “Prykhodko and Partners” successfully operates online throughout Ukraine.

What areas of law does your company work in?

The company “Prikhodko and Partners” unites more than 50 highly qualified specialists, which allows us to effectively solve almost any legal problems and provide comprehensive support in various areas of law.

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