Alimony Lawyer

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Alimony Lawyer

Since 2017, Ukraine has introduced real mechanisms for the proper fulfillment of alimony obligations. Over the years, thousands of debtors have experienced the consequences of entering into the register of debtors and other unpleasant moments of debt collection through the enforcement procedure.

So that you can use all the opportunities provided by the legislation, the lawyer for alimony at Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm offers his services. Today, a sufficient number of algorithms have been developed to achieve a result in a variety of circumstances, including when collecting alimony from an unemployed, officially unemployed person, as well as a person working abroad.

How useful is the consultation of a lawyer on alimony?

There can be two reasons for obtaining alimony:

  • the court’s decision;
  • notarial agreement between the parents.

Alimony counseling provides an opportunity to determine which way to go to receive payments. If the parents are ready to amicably agree on the allocation of funds for the maintenance of the child / children, the assistance of a lawyer for alimony involves the preparation of a draft of the relevant agreement, and then – its certification by a notary.

For your information! The fact that the parents are / are not married, the termination of the marriage relationship does not in any way affect the right to receive alimony. You can make a claim for alimony, both immediately after the divorce, and after a few years.

If parents fail to amicably resolve the issue of child support payments, legal advice on alimony provides for consideration of the prospects for filing a claim in court. At the same time, a fundamental issue is being resolved – to collect alimony in a fixed amount or as a percentage of the parent’s income.

What can a forced maintenance lawyer offer?

Not all parents agree to voluntarily support their children. Any alimony lawyer will confirm this, Kiev is a vivid example in this regard. Parents work officially at the minimum wage in order to pay a modest amount as a percentage of income, or do not formalize an employment relationship at all. Even when child support is ordered, its payment is ignored.

Important! If there is a problem or an obvious infringement of interests, a lawyer is needed: alimony is an issue that can be resolved with good legal support.

When you apply to Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm to receive alimony, a lawyer is ready to provide the following types of assistance:

  • support in the collection of debt for more than four months in enforcement proceedings (including with the use of restrictions such as a ban on travel abroad and seizure of property);
  • determination of the amount of alimony in court, including in a percentage of income and in a fixed amount of money with reference to the minimum subsistence level for a child, as well as the collection of additional payments for the maintenance of a child;
  • judicial recovery of alimony for the maintenance of the mother of a child up to three years old, as well as for the maintenance of an adult child in the event that he / she receives an education (up to 23 years old).

Important! Failure to pay alimony in accordance with the current legislation may result in administrative liability under Article 183-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and criminal liability under Article 164 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

If you need legal advice on alimony in the city of Kiev, as well as any other legal assistance in this area, the specialists of Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm will provide you with it.

Calculate the cost of services

1 question

Are you divorced from the child's father?


2 question

Do you have a certificate that the child lives with you?


3 question

Are you in Kiev or Kiev region?


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