International Asset Search

"We value our customers and realize that time is the most valuable resource that we help them save."

Taras Miroshnychenko

Head of International Corporate Law and Fintech Practice

A specialist in the practice of migration and corporate law, he also specializes in legal support for business in EU countries.

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International Asset Search

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In a globalized world where assets can be easily moved across borders, international property searches are becoming increasingly important.

The company “Prikhodko and Partners” offers complex solutions for identifying and tracking assets in various jurisdictions, using advanced technologies and a global network of experts.

Why is international asset sourcing difficult?

  1. Diversity of legal systems and regulatory requirements.
  2. Difficulty accessing information in foreign jurisdictions.
  3. Using offshore structures and trusts to hide ownership.
  4. Language and cultural barriers.
  5. Speed ​​of movement of funds between countries.

Our international asset sourcing strategies:

  1. Global network of partners:
    • Cooperation with local experts in key jurisdictions.
    • Access to local databases and registries.
    • Use of local knowledge and connections.
  2. Analysis of international financial flows:
    • Tracking of cross-border bank transfers.
    • Analysis of offshore accounts and structures.
    • Detection of suspicious financial transactions.
  3. Corporate intelligence at the international level:
    • Study of global corporate relations.
    • Analysis of international holding structures.
    • Identification of beneficial owners in different jurisdictions.
  4. Use of Big Data and AI technologies:
    • Processing of large volumes of international data.
    • Detection of hidden connections and patterns.
    • Prediction of possible asset locations.
  5. International monitoring of real estate and luxury goods:
    • Search for real estate in popular investment countries.
    • Tracking the purchase of expensive cars, yachts, airplanes.
    • Analysis of auction sales of works of art and antiques.

Our approach to international asset sourcing:

  • Comprehensive strategy: Development of an individual search plan taking into account the specifics of each case.
  • Multijurisdictional approach: Simultaneous search in different countries.
  • Legality and ethics: Compliance with international legal norms and ethical standards.
  • Privacy: Ensuring complete security and privacy of client information.

Cases of international search for assets:

Business case: Repatriation of withdrawn assets of an international corporation

Situation: A large Ukrainian corporation discovered the fact of withdrawal of assets in the amount of $50 million by the former top management.

Challenge: The need to track and recover assets scattered across different countries.

Our actions:

  • A comprehensive analysis of international banking transactions was carried out.
  • Real estate and other assets were searched in key jurisdictions (USA, EU, UAE).
  • Offshore structures and trusts were analyzed.
  • Local experts were engaged to carry out field investigations.


  • Assets totaling $35 million were identified, including real estate in London and Dubai.
  • A complex network of offshore companies used to hide funds was identified.
  • Provided legally significant evidence for international trials.
  • The client was able to return a significant part of the withdrawn assets and bring the culprits to justice.

It will also be useful: Search for assets in Ukraine

Case for an individual: Searching for assets in an international divorce

Situation: The wife of a wealthy businessman initiated a divorce, suspecting the concealment of significant assets abroad.

Challenge: The need to identify and evaluate the real assets of the husband in different countries for a fair distribution of property.

Our actions:

  • An analysis of international travel and expenses was carried out.
  • A search was made for real estate and business interests in countries frequently visited by the man.
  • Offshore structures and investment portfolios were analyzed.
  • Monitoring of social networks and luxury lifestyle was carried out.


  • Hidden assets worth about €20 million were discovered, including villas in Spain and France, a yacht in Cyprus.
  • Investment accounts in Switzerland and Singapore have been identified.
  • The client received a complete picture of her husband’s financial condition, which made it possible to reach a fair agreement on the division of property.

Why international asset search from our company is your advantage?

  1. Global reach with local expertise.
  2. Use of advanced technologies and methods of investigation.
  3. High efficiency of detection of hidden assets abroad.
  4. Providing legally significant evidence for international trials.
  5. A comprehensive approach to solving complex cross-border cases.

Don’t let borders hide the assets that matter to you.

Contact the experts for a professional international property search. Protect your interests on a global level.

Calculate the cost of services

1 question

Do you suspect that your partners or counterparties may have hidden assets abroad?


2 question

Have you encountered difficulties trying to trace international financial transactions or assets?


3 question

Are you interested in receiving a comprehensive assessment of the foreign assets of a person or company?

Taras Miroshnychenko
Head of International Corporate Law and Fintech Practice

A specialist in the practice of migration and corporate law, he also specializes in legal support for business in EU countries.

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TOP lawyers dealing with such cases in Ukraine

Taras Miroshnychenko

Head of International Corporate Law and Fintech Practice

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How to order the service? How do we work?

If you need to open a bank account in a foreign bank, or you need to register a company in a foreign country or a legal service for your business abroad, fill out an application on the website, or call for the specified phone numbers.

  • Application
  • Calling a lawyer
    and defining tasks
  • Contract and payment
  • Consultation,
    case analysis, specialist work

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