Legal protection against product copying

«Creative legal solutions for creative people. You create, we protect.»

An Iryna

Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

Lawyer, specialist in intellectual property. Specializes in registration and protection of copyrights, inventions, patents, trademarks, as well as development of intellectual property transfer agreements, license agreements.

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Legal protection against product copying

In today’s world, where market competition is extremely high, the issue of protecting property and intellectual property rights is becoming increasingly important for entrepreneurs and companies. One of the main problems is the copying of products, which can lead to loss of profits and reputation. In this article, we will consider the main aspects of legal protection against product copying.


Copyright is one of the most common types of legal protection against copying of goods. According to it, the author (who can be an individual or a company) has an exclusive right to use his work, including goods and services. If another company copies this product without permission, the author may file a copyright infringement lawsuit. In particular, recipes, games, software, etc. can be protected with a copyright certificate.


A patent is another way to protect an idea or invention that applies to a product. A patent gives the owner the exclusive right to manufacture and sell a product for a certain period of time, usually several years. This protection is very powerful, but requires detailed registration and processing costs.


Trademarks allow a company to distinguish its products from those of competitors. It can be a logo, a name, a symbol or a combination of these elements. Trademark protection prevents competitors from using similar marks, which can cause confusion among consumers and harm business.

Protection of production secrets

This type of protection is commonly used in manufacturing where companies have important processes or recipes that they wish to protect from being disclosed to competitors. The protection of production secrets involves internal security measures and agreements with employees and partners that prohibit the disclosure of these secrets.

Protection at the level of international treaties

In many cases, companies can refer to international treaties and agreements to protect their goods in other countries. For example, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) provides the possibility to register and protect patents and copyrights in different countries.

Judicial protection

If your product has been copied, you can go to court to protect your rights. The court can issue a decision in favor of the owner of the product, demanding damages and prohibiting further copying.

Licensing and Agreements

In some cases, companies may enter into licensing agreements that allow other companies to use their intellectual property under certain conditions. This can be a win-win, as the rights holder receives licensing revenue and other companies can use the idea or technology.

All these methods can be used individually or in combination to maximize product protection against copying. It is important to carefully consider all the options and choose the one or ones that are best for your business. Legal protection against product copying can protect your intellectual property and profits, helping your business grow and thrive in a highly competitive environment.

Provide your business with reliable legal protection! Contact us – the company “Prykhodko and Partners”. Our experienced lawyers are ready to provide you with professional support and protection of your intellectual property.

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An Iryna
Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

Lawyer, specialist in intellectual property. Specializes in registration and protection of copyrights, inventions, patents, trademarks, as well as development of intellectual property transfer agreements, license agreements.

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