International patent search

«Creative legal solutions for creative people. You create, we protect.»

An Iryna

Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

Lawyer, specialist in intellectual property. Specializes in registration and protection of copyrights, inventions, patents, trademarks, as well as development of intellectual property transfer agreements, license agreements.

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International patent search

In the world of modern technologies and innovations, the protection of intellectual property is becoming an increasingly important aspect of the successful operation of an enterprise. International patent search plays a key role in this process, enabling effective protection of inventions and innovations worldwide.

What is a patent search?

Patent search is the process of identifying and analyzing information on existing patents and publications in order to determine the novelty of an innovative idea or invention. This process allows to assess the degree of uniqueness of the innovation and the importance of its patent protection.

Reasons for an international patent search

International patent search is a key step in protecting intellectual property and ensuring success in the global market. Here are some of the main reasons why this process is essential for business and innovation:

  1. Global competition. In today’s world, competition at the international level has become extremely tough. A patent search helps determine whether your innovation is unique and protected in different countries, allowing you to maintain a competitive advantage.
  2. Protection of intellectual rights. Intellectual property is one of the most valuable business assets. Conducting an international patent search helps to avoid infringement and illegal use of your intellectual property.
  3. International export and investment. To support international export operations and attract investment, it is necessary to have clear patent protection. International patent search helps make your innovations more attractive to investors and partners.
  4. Protection from patent disputes. Conducting a patent search before patenting helps avoid potential conflicts with existing patents and reduces the risk of patent litigation.
  5. Strategic planning. International patent search allows a better understanding of the patent landscape in different countries, which helps in the formation of a strategy for the protection of intellectual property and business development.

International patent search is becoming a necessary step for companies seeking to remain competitive, protect their innovations and grow in the international market. This process allows you to maintain stability and confidence in the success of your business on a global scale.

Possible consequences of not doing an international patent search

  1. Violation of intellectual property rights. Failure to do a patent search can result in non-payment of fees or even lawsuits for infringing the patent rights of others.
  2. Loss of competitive advantage. Insufficient assessment of market competition and lack of intellectual property protection can lead to loss of competitive advantage in the market.
  3. Loss of financial resources. The need to adjust and protect intellectual property as a result of an insufficient patent search can lead to large financial losses – in particular, in the case of registration of a similar object in the world by another person, a refusal of registration may be issued due to the lack of inventive step.

The main difficulties of the international patent search

  • Different countries have different legal norms regarding patenting, which complicates the process of international patent search.
  • The availability of patent information in different languages ​​can complicate the process of data analysis and interpretation.
  • Without relevant experience and knowledge, conducting an in-depth analysis of a patent database and determining the novelty of an invention can be a difficult task.


We offer full support for international patent searches

Our law firm “Prykhodko and Partners” provides high-quality and comprehensive support in conducting international patent searches for our clients.

  1. Our lawyers and patent agents have many years of experience in the field of intellectual property and patent protection. They will help you search efficiently and provide the best protection for your invention or innovation.
  2. We understand that each invention or innovation is unique, so we use an individual approach to each project. We thoroughly analyze your invention, its potential and the competitive environment for the most effective protection.
  3. Our company has experience in cooperation with clients from different countries, which allows us to provide international patent protection at a high level. We understand the differences in patent laws and procedures in different jurisdictions and ensure compliance with all requirements.
  4. We not only conduct patent searches, but also provide services for the preparation and submission of patent applications, conducting patent cases in various countries, as well as legal advice on the protection of intellectual property.
  5. We always listen to the needs of our clients and offer individual solutions aimed at achieving their goals in the field of intellectual property.

With us, your invention, technology or innovation will receive reliable and effective protection at the international level. We strive to succeed together with you and ensure the maximum protection of your intellectual property on an international scale.

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An Iryna
Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

Lawyer, specialist in intellectual property. Specializes in registration and protection of copyrights, inventions, patents, trademarks, as well as development of intellectual property transfer agreements, license agreements.

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