Copyright transfer agreement

«Creative legal solutions for creative people. You create, we protect.»

An Iryna

Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

Lawyer, specialist in intellectual property. Specializes in registration and protection of copyrights, inventions, patents, trademarks, as well as development of intellectual property transfer agreements, license agreements.

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Copyright transfer agreement

The copyright transfer agreement is a fundamental document in the field of intellectual property, which regulates the transfer of property rights to a creative object from the author (or the owner of such rights) to another person.

Such legal opportunities are provided to the author in accordance with Article 48 of the Law of Ukraine “On Copyright and Related Rights”

Understanding the intricacies of such a contract is critical for both authors and those who wish to use their works.

What are these rights and why is their transfer important?

Copyright is the exclusive right of the author to use the work created by him. This means that the author can decide who can use his work and how, and get paid for it.

Transfer of copyright often occurs when:

  • Publications of books, articles, musical works: The author transfers the rights to distribute the work to the publishing house or record company.
  • Software developers: The programmer transfers to the company the rights to use and distribute the software product created by him.
  • Creation of designs, logos: The designer transfers to the customer the rights to use the created design.


Elements of the copyright transfer agreement

A standard copyright transfer agreement contains the following main elements:

  • Parties: Author (rightholder) and licensee (recipient) or “buyer” can also be used.
  • Object: A precise description of the work for which the contract is concluded – including type, title and year of creation for proper identification.
  • Type of transferred rights: Exclusive (full transfer) or non-exclusive (the work is used by the author or other licensees at the same time).
  • Validity Period : The period during which the possibility of use is granted.
  • Territory of action: Geographical limits in which the licensee can use the object.
  • Remuneration: The size and form of the remuneration (royalty), it can be determined as a percentage of the user’s income or as a fixed amount.
  • Liability of the parties: What negative consequences will the parties bear in case of non-fulfillment of the terms of the agreement.

A copyright transfer agreement

Types of copyright transfer agreements

There are two main types of such contracts:

  • Transfer of exclusive rights: The author fully transfers all his property rights to the work to a person, that is, he actually sells it. After that, the author can no longer use the work or allow others to use it.
  • Non-exclusive license agreement: The author allows the licensee to use the work together with other persons. The author can use the work independently and sign others of the same plan of agreement with third parties.

Important nuances when concluding a contract

When concluding an agreement on the transfer of copyright, it is necessary to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Clear definition of the work: The description of the work should be as detailed as possible to avoid further disputes.
  • Amount of remuneration: The remuneration must be adequate to the value of the work and market conditions.
  • Term of validity: It is worth carefully considering the term of the contract, taking into account the specifics of the work and the purpose of its use.
  • Territory: Determining the territory in which the licensee can use the work is important to protect the interests of the author.
  • Copyrights for works created on the basis of the transferred work: The contract must contain provisions regarding the imitation or follow-up of the property rights of the original author in case of processing the work and creating other objects on its basis.

The legislation defines the essential terms of the contract (those without which it is considered non-contractable) the definition of the object, jurisdiction and remuneration. Such a transaction must be concluded in writing.


Liability for violation of copyright transfer agreement

Violation of copyright transfer agreements can have serious consequences for both parties. Therefore, it is important to write down the terms of liability in detail in the contract itself.
Types of liability include

  • Civil liability: Provides compensation for damages caused by violation of terms. These can be direct damages (lost income, costs to restore the situation that existed before the violation) and indirect damages (lost profit).
  • Administrative and criminal liability: May be imposed for illegal use of the facility, fines multiple times the severity of the offense are provided for such violations.

Typical violations of the copyright transfer agreement

  • Unauthorized use: Use of a work without the consent of the author outside the scope of the rights granted by the contract.
  • Violation of validity periods:Use of the work after the expiration of the contract.
  • Violation of territorial restrictions: Use of the work outside the territory specified in the contract.
  • Non-payment of royalties: Late or incomplete payment of royalties.
  • Non-observance of exclusivity: in the case of granting exclusive rights – continuation of the author’s use of the already transferred rights to the detriment of the buyer.

A copyright transfer agreement

How to protect yourself in case of breach of contract

  • Appeal to court: The aggrieved party has the opportunity to appeal to court with a claim for damages, cessation of infringement and collection of fines.
  • Complaint work: Before going to court, it is recommended to send a written complaint to the violator with a demand to eliminate the violation.
  • Involvement of law enforcement agencies: In cases where the violation has signs of a criminal offense, you can contact law enforcement agencies.

How to avoid breach of contract

  • Thorough reading of the terms of the deed: Before signing, you must carefully read all its terms.
  • Consultation with a lawyer: It is recommended to consult a lawyer who specializes in intellectual property issues.
  • Fixing the transfer: It is necessary to issue all the necessary documents confirming the transfer of copyright.

A copyright transfer agreement is a legally significant document that defines the relationship between the author and the licensee. Careful preparation and conclusion of such a contract will avoid many problems in the future.
It is recommended to seek advice from a lawyer at the Prykhodko and Partners law firm, who specializes in intellectual property issues.

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An Iryna
Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

Lawyer, specialist in intellectual property. Specializes in registration and protection of copyrights, inventions, patents, trademarks, as well as development of intellectual property transfer agreements, license agreements.

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