Compensation for moral damage caused by the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine

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Compensation for moral damage caused by the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine

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If you have become a victim of military aggression by the Russian Federation, the procedure for obtaining compensation for moral damages caused can become complex and lengthy. The Law Office “Prikhodko and Partners” is ready to provide you with professional support at every stage of this process.

What amount of compensation for moral damage can I receive?

With the help of a mechanism for obtaining compensation developed by our lawyers, combining the norms of national and international law and judicial practice, every Ukrainian can receive compensation for moral damage caused in the amount of 35,000 euros based on a court decision.


Who can receive compensation for moral damage from war?

The list of categories of citizens who can receive compensation for moral damage in the amount of 35,000 euros is wide, but there are categories of citizens who will certainly receive compensation in the first place:

  • internally displaced persons (located in Ukraine);
  • refugees (Ukrainians who, as a result of the war, were forced to move to a country of the European Union/United States of America);
  • persons whose property was damaged or destroyed in territory controlled by Ukraine;
  • persons whose property remained in the temporarily occupied territory, regardless of whether they are in Ukraine or in another part of the world.


What is the process for dealing with moral damages?

  1. We provide consultation and determine an effective strategy for protecting the right to receive compensation;
  2. We identify and collect the necessary documents that will serve as evidence in the case;
  3. We provide a statement about the commission of a criminal offense;
  4. We submit a statement of claim and provide support until we receive a court decision;
  5. After receiving the decision, we submit an application to the relevant authorities of the European Union for the purpose of recognition and execution of the decision, as well as to the Register of damage caused by the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

From the beginning of cooperation, our lawyers will collect and submit the necessary package of documents for compensation within 20 calendar days after signing the contract.

After submitting the full package of documents, the trial will last from 8 to 12 months. At all stages of the legal process, lawyers from the Prikhodko and Partners Law Office will provide support in order to smoothly obtain a court decision to pay 35,000 euros.

It should be noted that in this category of cases, applicants are exempt from paying court fees and also have the right not to participate directly in the court hearing.

Next, our lawyers will prepare the necessary documents and send it to the European Union, as well as to the Register of damage caused by the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine in order to pay compensation in the amount of 35,000 euros.

We understand that each situation is unique, therefore we provide an individual approach to each client. Our lawyers are always ready to provide support and answer all your questions throughout the entire process.

If you have suffered from the military aggression of the Russian Federation, contact the Prikhodko and Partners Law Office. We are ready to provide you with qualified legal assistance and support at every stage of the process of obtaining compensation for moral damages.

Together we can protect your rights and interests!

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Osnach Dmytro
Grant manager, investment consultant

Specialist in selecting and attracting grant funds, writing business plans and attracting investments for businesses and public organizations.

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Grytsai Mykola

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Osnach Dmytro

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Elena Pustovgar

Grant manager, investment consultant

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Compensation for damage caused by the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine