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In today’s digital world, cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies have become an important component of the global economy.

Estonia, with well-known digitalization and innovation initiatives, plays a key role in the development of cryptocurrency platforms and services.

One of the most important aspects of ensuring the safety and legality of cryptocurrency activity is obtaining a crypto license.

This article examines the procedure for obtaining a crypto license in Estonia, including the issuing authority, eligibility criteria, conditions of issuance, required documents, and license deadlines.

The authority that issues a crypto license in Estonia.

The body responsible for issuing crypto licenses in Estonia is the Financial Inspection Department ( Financial Intelligence Unit, FIU). This body operates under the Ministry of Finance and performs the functions of control and regulation of financial activities, including cryptocurrency services.

Eligibility criteria for obtaining a crypto license in Estonia.

To obtain a crypto license, it is important to meet some mandatory criteria.

The main ones include:

  • Residency: The applicant must be a resident of the countries of the European Economic Area (EEA), which includes the countries of the European Union (EU) and Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway.
  • Financial sustainability: The applicant must have sufficient financial capital to support its activities and cover possible risks.
  • Competence: The applicant must have sufficient knowledge and experience in the field of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies.
  • Antitrust checks: Persons associated with the applicant are subject to checks for possible financial inadequacy or criminal activity.

Issuing conditions and necessary documents for obtaining a crypto license in Estonia.

After meeting the eligibility criteria, the applicant must fulfill a number of conditions to obtain a crypto license.

The necessary steps include:

  • Preparation of documents: The applicant must prepare a package of documents, including a business plan, description of services, anti-money laundering (AML) policy, customer verification (KYC) policy, and others as required by the FIU.
  • Application submission: The applicant submits an application for a crypto license to the FIU along with documents.
  • Application evaluation: FIU evaluates the application by examining all documents and verifying their compliance with the requirements.
  • Issuance of a license: If the application meets all the requirements, the FIU issues a crypto license.

Deadlines for obtaining a crypto license in Estonia.

The process of obtaining a crypto license can last from several months to six months, depending on the volume of documents, application processing, and compliance with all conditions and requirements. Exact terms may vary in each case.

Potential difficulties in obtaining a crypto license in Estonia.

  • Residency and financial stability requirements

The Estonian regulator requires the applicant to be a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA) countries. This restriction can become an obstacle for companies from other regions that might be interested in developing business in Estonia.

In addition, the mandatory availability of sufficient financial capital can be difficult for start-ups and companies with limited resources.

  • Difficulty in meeting AML and KYC requirements

The Financial Inspection Unit (FIU) goes to great lengths to ensure compliance with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Customer Due Diligence (KYC) policies.

This can be a daunting task for applicants, especially if they do not have experience in developing and implementing such policies.

  • A long period of application consideration and license issuance

The process of considering an application and issuing a crypto license can take from several months to six months. This can create inconvenience for companies that plan to quickly start their activities in the field of cryptocurrencies.

  • Competition and risks

With the growing popularity of cryptocurrency services in Estonia, the competition among license applicants is also increasing.

In addition, there are risks associated with a lack of understanding of the risks and requirements associated with cryptocurrencies, which can lead to violations of the law and loss of license.

  • Changes in legislation and regulatory changes

The field of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology is dynamic and fast-changing.

Changes in legislation and regulatory requirements may affect how applicants obtain and maintain their crypto license.


Obtaining a crypto license in Estonia is an important step for ensuring the legality and security of cryptocurrency services.

The procedure includes meeting the eligibility criteria, submitting the necessary documents, evaluating the application, and issuing a license by the FIU.

This process helps ensure a high standard of financial activity in the field of cryptocurrency technology in Estonia.

Our team of experienced legal professionals understands the intricacies of Estonian law and can help you meet all the requirements, prepare the necessary documentation, and simplify the application process. With our knowledge and dedication, we will try to maximize your chances of successfully obtaining a crypto license.

Contact us today and we will support you in realizing your cryptocurrency business ambitions in Estonia.


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Price for services in the "Fintech" category:
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Connecting to MetaTrader 5: A Guide for Brokerage Companies from $200 from 1 month
OBTAINING A CASINO LICENSE from $25000 from 3 month
OBTAINING A BETTING LICENSE from $15000 from 3 month
EMI license from $85000 from 6 month
DEVELOPMENT OF AN AML POLICY from $600 from 3 days
DRAWING UP A GIG CONTRACT from $400 from 2 days
Legal opinion from $1000 from 2 days

from $200 to The price is valid for July 2024

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