Registration of care on a non-professional basis

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Registration of care on a non-professional basis

The implementation of care on a non-professional basis in the conditions of martial law in the country is extremely relevant. It can be explained as follows.

When there is constant shelling in the country, men defending their Motherland from the enemy receive various injuries, diseases, as well as disabilities, and there is a general demographic crisis (a large number of pensioners in old age) – all these factors directly affect the increase in demand for the establishment of permanent care.

Therefore, in this article, we will consider the main features of registration of care on a non-professional basis according to the legislation of Ukraine.

What is the definition of lay care?

Care provided on a non-professional basis should be understood as -care for persons with various physical or mental disabilities, which requires the constant presence of a caregiver to provide the necessary assistance and support.

Thus, the main features of providing care on a non-professional basis are that individuals cannot independently serve their household needs, and therefore, they need outside help, as well as the ability of a person to receive compensation for social services provided.

What is the registration procedure?

To establish care, a person needs to apply to guardianship authorities with the following package of documents, namely:

  • The application must be made in writing and must contain your expression of the will to provide care on a non-professional basis;
  • Identity document – required for both the applicant and the person to be cared for;
  • A certificate from a medical institution confirming the physical ability to care for a person who needs it;
  • A document on the registration of your actual place of residence or stay;
  • Certificate from the LKK of the medical institution confirming the fact of the citizen’s need for care on a non-professional basis;
  • Documents confirming ownership of real estate (for example, certificate of ownership, contract of sale of housing, etc.).

Importantly! Only a person who receives compensation for providing social care services on a non-professional basis can be officially considered a caregiver.

Where should I go to receive compensation for providing care on a non-professional basis?

In Ukraine, the legislation establishes a clear list of bodies authorized to pay compensation and pre-assign it for the provision of care, namely:

  • Territorial bodies of social protection of the population;
  • Executive bodies of village, settlement, and city councils;
  • Tsnap.

Importantly! The application can be submitted in person or by sending it to the official e-mail of the relevant body.

What are the reasons for refusal to register care on a non-professional basis?

The most common reasons for refusal to establish care are:

  • violation of the procedure for establishing care for a person who needs it;
  • typos, errors that lead to the unreliability of submitted documents;
  • the state of living conditions in which the caregiver and the person in need of care must live is unsatisfactory (lack of basic amenities for a person with a disability, problems with the heating, water supply, ventilation system, the presence of harmful substances, ammonia, mold in the living room, etc.);
  • there is no real need to establish personal care.

If you want to arrange care on a non-professional basis, then in this case, be sure to contact the proven experts in your field – the Prikhodko and Partners law firm.

Our team includes only experienced lawyers who have practical knowledge of solving all problematic issues in the field of family law. So don’t delay and come for a consultation!

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Family law lawyer. Specializes in divorce and probate matters.

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