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Italy, a country of rich cultural heritage and picturesque landscape, attracts Ukrainians with its beauty, opportunities for career growth, and, often, love.

In recent years, a large number of Ukrainians have chosen Italy as their second home, which has led to an increase in demand for legal services, in particular a family lawyer.

In the article, we will consider why it is important to have a family lawyer in Italy for Ukrainians and how they can help in various aspects of family life.

Divorce and division of property

One of the main areas in which Ukrainians seek the help of a family lawyer in Italy is the issue of divorce and division of property.

The law on these matters can be quite different from Ukrainian law, and therefore it is important to have a lawyer who understands both sides and can ensure that the case is handled fairly.

A family lawyer in Italy will help you understand your rights and responsibilities and develop a strategy to best protect your interests in this complex process.

Considering your circumstances, the lawyer will develop a strategy that maximizes your chances of a fair trial and protection of your interests.

Child custody and parental rights

For many Ukrainian families who have settled in Italy, the issue of custody of children is key. A family lawyer can provide professional advice on custody, conflict resolution, and protection of parental rights.

It is important to have an attorney who takes cultural and legal differences into account while tailoring strategies to each client’s specific needs.

Legal assistance in alimony cases

Alimony cases also require special attention and legal expertise.

A family lawyer can help you determine the amount of alimony, discuss collection issues, and resolve conflicts that may arise in this process.

Marriage registration and legal status of relationships

Ukrainians who have decided to get married in Italy often turn to family lawyers for help in drawing up this act and solving related legal issues.

A family lawyer will help you understand all the nuances of marriage registration, as well as provide legal support in solving status changes and other issues arising in connection with family relations.

It is important to have a specialist who understands all the nuances of marriage registration and is ready to solve all status changes and other issues related to family relations.

Protection from domestic violence

A family lawyer can also be your ally in cases of domestic violence.

It will help you contact law enforcement, get protection, and keep you and your loved ones safe.

Hereditary disputes with a foreign element

One of the key tasks in international inheritance cases is determining which law governs inheritance.

Ukrainians in Italy may face a situation where both Italian and Ukrainian legal norms are applied at the same time.

A family lawyer will competently determine the legal status of your case and provide qualified advice on its resolution.

In Italy, some various bodies and institutions can be consulted for family law matters. However, the exact names and structures may vary by region. The most common are courts and administrative bodies.

Here are some of the main authorities in Italy:


  • Tribunale della Famiglia (Family Court): A court specializing in matters related to family law.
  • Corte d’Appello (Court of Appeal): It is an appellate court that can hear cases decided by local courts, including family law matters.
  • Tribunale per i Minorenni (Juvenile Court): A court specialized in issues related to the protection and rights of minors.

Administrative bodies:

  • Ufficio dello Stato Civile (Registration Office): A local authority responsible for registering civil statuses such as births, marriages, and deaths.
  • Comune (Municipality): The municipality performs various functions, including the registration of civil status events and the provision of other services.
  • Prefettura (Prefecture): A central authority that can provide information and assistance in matters related to family and migration.
  • Ordine degli Avvocati (Bar Association): You can contact your local bar association to find a family lawyer and get legal advice.
  • Consulta per la Famiglia (Advisory Council on Family Matters): Some regions may have advisory bodies that specialize in family matters and provide advice.

If you need specific information for a particular region in Italy, I recommend contacting the local legal services, municipality, or judicial authorities directly for accurate and up-to-date information.

Ukrainians in Italy have the right to professional and competent legal assistance, especially in cases related to family relations.

A family lawyer who understands the cultural and legal aspects of both countries can make family matters much easier to resolve.

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