Deprivation of parental rights

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Riabchuk Oksana

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Deprivation of parental rights

Violence in families, asocial and immoral way of life of parents, complete loss of one of the parents or both of them at once emotional connection with the child – all this can entail a natural consequence in the form of deprivation of parental rights. Only a court can figure out who is right and who is to blame in such situations. Lawyers for deprivation of parental rights at Prikhodko & Partners are ready to offer their support to an interested person in such a process.

Legal advice – deprivation of parental rights: grounds and consequences

Often mothers are interested in the issue of deprivation of parental rights, who wish to break the burdensome bond between the father and the child. We are talking about those cases when the parent does not participate at all in the life and maintenance of the child, but enjoys the right to prohibit the mother and child from traveling abroad, change the place of registration, and so on.

Important! Cannot be used as a justification for deprivation of parental rights:

  • separately taken alimony debt;
  • personal hostility and quarrels between the child’s father and mother;
  • isolated cases of refusal to fulfill parental responsibilities or bad attitude towards the child.

These justifications should be supported by other arguments and evidence, if possible. A lawyer for deprivation of parental rights for consultations is ready to talk about how to fix the father’s misconduct and collect the evidence base for going to court.

For your information! The consultation discusses the grounds for deprivation of parental rights specified in Article 164 of the Family Code of Ukraine, as well as in the Resolution of the Supreme Court № 20 (v0020700-08) dated 19.12.2008.

Also, if deprivation of parental rights is planned, the lawyer informs about the legal consequences of this procedure. Key points in these circumstances:

a parent who has been deprived of parental rights will no longer be required to consent to the child’s departure abroad, moving to another country for permanent residence, changing the place of registration (registration) or the child’s surname;

a parent who has been deprived of parental rights is released from the duties of raising the child, but not from the duties of maintaining it, in particular, through the payment of alimony;

after the deprivation of parental rights, the child retains the right to receive an inheritance from the parent, but the parent himself does not have the right to claim alimony payments from the child due to incapacity for work.

Assistance in deprivation of parental rights: support by a lawyer of all or certain stages of the procedure

If you start to find out how much a lawyer for deprivation of parental rights costs, then you first need to understand what this legal procedure is.

For your information! In the procedure for deprivation of parental rights, the following stages can be distinguished:


Contacting the guardianship and trusteeship authority to obtain a written opinion.




Drawing up a statement of claim to the court and submitting it along with a package of accompanying documents and evidence (the conclusion of the guardianship authority must be attached).




Litigation and obtaining an appropriate court decision.



In some cases – consideration of the case in the court of appeal (if the parent, in respect of whom the procedure for deprivation of parental rights has been initiated, appeals against the decision of the court of first instance).

When such a task as deprivation of rights is set, a lawyer can accompany all stages of the procedure, or take over the solution of a separate issue. For example – collection and preparation of documents for the court. If deprivation of parental rights is imminent, the cost of legal services cannot act as a matter of principle. This is a very complex legal procedure, the success of which depends a lot on the experience of a lawyer. Therefore, the most important thing is to find a specialist or specialists with experience.

To ensure the solution of the problem of deprivation of parental rights, consider the possibility of working with lawyers of the family law practice of Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm.

Calculate the cost of services

1 question

Have you applied to the guardianship and guardianship authorities to obtain an opinion on the advisability of deprivation of parental rights?


2 question

Is the person who is going to be deprived of parental rights a citizen of Ukraine?


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