Services of a private executor

"We value the most important resource – your time!"

Horelyk Evhen

Private performer

Private executor of the Kyiv region - specializes in debt collection and execution of court decisions.

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Services of a private executor

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In today’s world, where time is money and efficiency is the key to success, it is important to have a professional on your side to help you exercise your right to justice. Private contractors are becoming more and more in demand in Ukraine, as they provide an individual approach and quick results.

How to understand that you need a private executor?

Choosing between a public and private executor can be difficult, especially if you are not familiar with the ins and outs of enforcement proceedings. Here are a few situations that may indicate that turning to him is the most appropriate solution:

  • Large debt / complex debt disputes. If your debtor has significant debts or a complex financial structure, private enforcement will be more effective.
  • The need for urgent implementation.
  • Problems with the state executor. When working with a public executor, you encountered low efficiency, a prolonged process or a lack of due attention, then turning to a private executor may be a way out of the situation.
  • Desire to minimize corruption risks. If there are concerns about corruption risks or abuses on the part of public executors, the choice in favor of a private executor may be justified. They are subject to strict control and are held accountable for their actions, which reduces the likelihood of abuse.

What services does a private contractor provide?

  1. Enforcement of court decisions: We ensure effective and timely enforcement of court decisions using all available legal tools.
  2. Realization of debt obligations: We provide assistance in debt collection and fulfillment of other financial obligations.
  3. Consultations on enforcement proceedings: Our specialists will provide comprehensive consultations on all aspects of enforcement proceedings.
  4. Preparation and submission of documents: We provide professional preparation and submission of all necessary documents for the execution of court decisions.

Services of a private executor


Documents to be executed for a private executor:

  • Executive letter;
  • Executive notarial inscriptions;
  • Court orders;
  • Court rulings on claim security;
  • Resolutions of private executors on the recovery of remuneration, etc

Algorithm for receiving the service

To receive the service, the following steps should be followed:

  • Evaluation of the executive document

At the first stage, a detailed analysis of the existing solution for implementation should be carried out. It is important to check it for compliance with all the requirements of the law, make sure of its validity and find out whether it contains all the necessary details for opening proceedings.

  • Determination of jurisdiction

The next step is to determine the executive district within which the executor operates, because he can only work in a certain region, so it is important to take into account the territorial jurisdiction that corresponds to the location of the debtor or his property.

  • Direct choice

After determining the enforcement district, you need to choose a private executor who will deal with your case. It is recommended to take into account the professional reputation, his work experience, specialization and success in similar cases.

  • Load assessment

The load test is also an important aspect. It is worth finding out how many cases are already in his work. The more active proceedings, the longer it may take to resolve your case.

  • Search for recommendations and reviews

In order to make sure that the choice is correct, it is recommended to pay attention to the advice of other clients/colleagues who have already used his services. Reviews can become an additional source of information that will help make an informed decision.

Calculate the cost of services of a private contractor

 photo Services of a private executor

Why should you choose a private executor instead of a public one?

  1. Efficiency: Private executors specialize in the execution of court decisions, which allows them to react more quickly to situations and act in the interests of the client.
  2. Individual approach: Each case is unique. We study your case in detail to offer the best solution.
  3. Legal support: Thanks to their knowledge in the field of law, private executors will help you not only in the implementation of the decision, but also in explaining the legal aspects.
  4. Privacy: Our work is based on the principles of privacy and ethics, which ensures the protection of your data.
  5. Choice: The client has the right to choose a private executor with whom it is convenient for him to work, taking into account the reputation, experience and success in previous cases, unlike the public one.
  6. Flexibility in interaction: Private executors often provide better feedback to clients, provide ongoing consultation and keep clients informed at all stages of enforcement proceedings.

Assistance in enforcement proceedings from JC “Prikhodko and Partners”

Legal issues related to enforcement proceedings often require a professional approach and careful attention to detail. So don’t waste your time! Why not get a consultation now? Your case is our priority, and we are ready to do everything possible to achieve a successful outcome.

Contact us today! It is enough to wait until the situation worsens. We are ready to become your reliable partner in solving any legal issues!

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Horelyk Evhen
Private performer

Private executor of the Kyiv region - specializes in debt collection and execution of court decisions.

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