Violation of competition

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An Iryna

Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

Lawyer, specialist in intellectual property. Specializes in registration and protection of copyrights, inventions, patents, trademarks, as well as development of intellectual property transfer agreements, license agreements.

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Violation of competition

Competition in modern business is the main stimulus for the development of the economy and ensuring the efficiency of the business environment. However, there are cases when business entities violate competition rules, which can lead to serious consequences for markets and consumers.


What is a violation of competition?

Distortion of competition includes various practices that lead to distortion of markets and restriction of competition between business entities. The main types of competition violations include:

  1. Cartel: An agreement between businesses to limit competition, usually by fixing prices, markets, or output.</ span>
  2. Abuse of a monopoly position: Use of a monopoly position to restrict competition, including by raising prices, restricting supply, or introducing other barriers for competitors.
  3. Unfair competition: Use of false information, destabilization of partnership relations, violation of commercial reputation for competitive advantage.</span >
  4. Intellectual property control: Improper use of someone else’s intellectual property or abuse of rights to it to limit competition.</span >


Legal consequences of violation of competition

Antitrust is governed by competition law, which sets out rules and sanctions to combat unfair competition. Possible legal consequences of such violations include:

  1. Monetary fines: Companies that are found guilty of violating competition can be subject to significant monetary fines.</span >
  2. Antitrust sanctions: Prohibition of using a monopoly position, possibly with the introduction of antitrust restrictions or periods of restricted operation.</span >
  3. Disqualification from winning bids or contests: Entities that violate competition may be excluded from participation in tenders or auctions.
  4. Criminal liability: In cases of particularly significant violation of competition, criminal liability may be introduced for individuals or heads of enterprises.< /span>


Disruption of competition is a serious problem for the efficiency of markets and the development of the economy in general. Legal consequences for such violations are established to ensure fairness and protect the interests of competitors and consumers. The development of effective and transparent legislation, as well as the strengthening of mechanisms of control and sanctions, plays a key role in the fight against competition violations and creating conditions for the development of a competitive economy. Ensuring healthy competition helps stimulate innovation, improve the quality of goods and services, and also provides consumers with greater choice and affordable prices.
One ​​of the important elements of combating competition violations is the role of antimonopoly bodies and law enforcement agencies. These institutions play a key role in identifying, investigating and stopping unfair practices in the markets. In particular, they have the right to conduct inspections of enterprises, impose administrative sanctions and take measures to restore competition.

In addition, the active participation of the public and stakeholders in the control of competition violations is necessary. Information and statements from competitors, consumers or other interested parties can serve as important sources for detecting violations.

No less important is informational work with enterprises aimed at making them aware of competition rules and the consequences of violations. Understanding by business entities the importance of fair competition contributes to the formation of an ethical approach to business practices.

Recent years show an increasing attention to the aspects of competition in the digital space, where new challenges and opportunities arise. Regulation of this segment requires the adaptation of traditional approaches and the introduction of new tools to ensure the competitiveness of markets.

Eliminating competition violations is a key task for maintaining stable economic development and protecting the interests of society as a whole. Legal control and improvement of legislation is an integral part of the strategy of countries in ensuring fair and effective competition in the markets.


Prykhodko and Partners law firm, which specializes in antitrust law, can become a reliable business partner for you. Since, can provide a variety of services to resolve issues related to the violation of competition:

Consultations and analysis of legal status:

  • Providing legal advice on competition law issues.
  • Analysis of business models and client activities to identify potential risks of competition violations.


Development and implementation of antimonopoly strategies:

  • Joint formation of strategies aimed at ensuring compliance with antimonopoly legislation.
  • Development of an internal control program to avoid violations.


Representation in antimonopoly bodies:

  • Submission of applications and documents to antimonopoly bodies.
  • client’s interests during investigations.


Protection against unfair competitors:

  • Development of protection strategies against unfair actions of competitors.
  • Submission of lawsuits and support of cases in courts.


Training and informational support:

  • Conducting training for personnel on antimonopoly legislation.
  • Providing information support to clients regarding changes in legislation and practice of antimonopoly regulation.


Participation in competitive cases in courts:

  • Representation of the client’s interests in the resolution of competitive cases before the courts.
  • Development of strategies to protect the client’s rights and interests during legal proceedings.


Monitoring of legislative changes and appeal procedures:

  • Monitoring legislative changes in the field of competition law.
  • Submission of appeals and participation in procedures aimed at changing or canceling decisions of antimonopoly bodies.


Settlement of conflicts with antimonopoly bodies:

  • Conclusion of peaceful agreements with interested parties and antimonopoly authorities.
  • Development and implementation of strategies to resolve conflicts and avoid further sanctions.


Support of mergers and acquisitions:

  • Legal analysis of mergers, acquisitions and other agreements from the point of view of their impact on competition.
  • Obtaining the necessary permits from antimonopoly authorities for conducting such transactions.


Implementation of the corporate responsibility program:

  • Development and implementation of corporate responsibility systems taking into account antimonopoly norms.
  • Conducting audits to check compliance of corporate processes with the requirements of competition law.

Providing comprehensive legal services in the field of competition law allows the law firm “Prykhodko and Partners” to effectively interact with clients, contributing to the resolution of various issues related to ensuring competition and compliance with relevant legislation.

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An Iryna
Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

Lawyer, specialist in intellectual property. Specializes in registration and protection of copyrights, inventions, patents, trademarks, as well as development of intellectual property transfer agreements, license agreements.

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Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

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