Corporate disputes

«Creative legal solutions for creative people. You create, we protect.»

An Iryna

Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

Lawyer, specialist in intellectual property. Specializes in registration and protection of copyrights, inventions, patents, trademarks, as well as development of intellectual property transfer agreements, license agreements.

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Corporate disputes

Even in the most stable corporations, disputes can arise that undermine their internal harmony and efficiency. Issues of corporate disputes touch on fundamental aspects of management, labor relations and strategic development. Our law firm will help with corporate dispute resolution by uncovering the key aspects and providing the most up-to-date advice on managing these important challenges.

What are the most common corporate disputes?

Corporate disputes can arise for various reasons and in various areas of the enterprise. The following types of corporate disputes are most common:

  1. Separation of power and control. Disputes related to the distribution of power and control between various members of a corporation, such as shareholders, company management, or other key figures. This may include conflicts over leadership positions, the resolution of strategic issues, and other management issues.
  2. Financial disputes. Tensions related to financial matters such as the distribution of profits, dividends, investments and the company’s budget.
  3. Labor disputes. Conflicts between employees and management, as well as disputes related to employment, wages, working conditions and other aspects of labor relations.
  4. Legal disputes. Misunderstandings or conflicts related to legal aspects such as breach of contract, shareholder rights, intellectual property and other legal matters.
  5. Strategic disagreements. Disagreements in the company’s strategic plans, mission or development directions that may arise between management and shareholders.
  6. International disputes. For companies operating internationally, disputes may arise due to different cultural, legal and economic contexts in different countries.
  7. Ethical disputes. Conflicts related to ethical issues such as corruption, responsibility to consumers, environmental ethics and other aspects of corporate social responsibility.

This is only a general overview and in a real business environment situations can be very varied and unique. In each specific case, the resolution of disputes requires an individual approach and professional expertise of lawyers.

How to resolve corporate disputes?

Resolving corporate disputes is a complex process that requires objectivity, a strategic approach and specialized legal support. There are several effective methods for resolving corporate conflicts:

  1. Engaging an independent mediator who will help the parties find a compromise and resolve the conflict through dialogue. The mediator helps determine the interests of the parties and facilitates the conclusion of peace agreements.
  2. The parties may resolve the conflict by engaging an independent arbitrator who will resolve the dispute, taking into account the law and the parties’ requirements. The arbitration decision is binding on the parties.
  3. In cases where other methods do not lead to agreement, disputes may be resolved through the courts. A court decision can determine the rights and obligations of the parties, but this method is often time-consuming and expensive.
  4. Pre-drafted corporate agreements and bylaws that define conflict resolution procedures can greatly facilitate dispute management. They may contain provisions on the purchase and sale of shares, resolution of conflicts between participants and other mechanisms.
  5. The involvement of a qualified lawyer specializing in corporate law is a key element in dispute resolution. The lawyer provides consultations, develops conflict resolution strategies and provides legal protection of the parties.
  6. Improving communication and developing conflict management skills in a corporate environment can help prevent disputes and resolve them at an early stage.

It is important to recognize that the effectiveness of conflict resolution methods may vary depending on the specific circumstances and type of dispute. Usually, a combination of several methods can be the most effective to achieve a positive result.

Why is the help of a lawyer important?

The professional assistance of a lawyer in corporate disputes plays a decisive role in ensuring justice and effective resolution of the conflict. A lawyer specializing in corporate law can provide qualified legal advice, help settle a dispute using alternative conflict resolution methods, or, if necessary, represent the client’s interests in court. A legal expert will do everything possible to protect the rights and interests of your company and contribute to the improvement of corporate culture.

Our lawyers, specialized in the field of corporate law, are ready to help you resolve any corporate disputes, providing a professional approach and an individual approach to each situation. Contact us for qualified assistance and to ensure the stability and development of your business.

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An Iryna
Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

Lawyer, specialist in intellectual property. Specializes in registration and protection of copyrights, inventions, patents, trademarks, as well as development of intellectual property transfer agreements, license agreements.

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TOP lawyers dealing with such cases in Ukraine

An Iryna

Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

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Ohorodnyk Viktoriia


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How to order the service? How do we work?

Specialists of the business law department “Prykhodko and Partners” have deep knowledge of the specifics of doing business in Ukraine. We will help understand the intricacies of economic legislation, resolve corporate disputes, support M&A agreements, and protect interests during tax and other audits.

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What is the price for a lawyer's consultation and assistance?
Is a subscriber form of service possible to quickly resolve issues as they arise?

Yes, of course, we take companies for permanent support.

The subscription form of service allows you to receive a full range of legal services on an ongoing basis for a fixed monthly fee.

Our lawyers will accompany all economic legal relations of your company: from drawing up contracts and solving corporate issues to representing interests during inspections by regulatory bodies and in court disputes.

We have very flexible pricing, so contact us and we will discuss your specific case.

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