Legal support of economic activity

«Creative legal solutions for creative people. You create, we protect.»

An Iryna

Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

Lawyer, specialist in intellectual property. Specializes in registration and protection of copyrights, inventions, patents, trademarks, as well as development of intellectual property transfer agreements, license agreements.

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Legal support of economic activity

Entrepreneurship is an interesting and promising way to build your own business and manage its scaling according to your plans. But at the same time, entrepreneurial activity requires a serious approach and understanding of many legal aspects. This can be quite difficult for people who do not have specialist knowledge in jurisprudence. Therefore, it is worth seeking legal support from those who have such knowledge.

Law office “Prykhodko&Partners” offers its clients these services. You can order them from us, seeing how much easier it is to do business when you are focused on your immediate organizational and financial activities, and the legal side of the issue is entrusted to professionals.

What challenges does business in Ukraine face?

Documentary checks for businesses were recently restored, so it became a certain stress for Ukrainian entrepreneurs. Especially considering that a moratorium on them was previously announced until the end of martial law. However, legislation changes rapidly, and entrepreneurs have to adapt to it. If you follow all the legislative transformations on your own, you will not have enough time to conduct your direct activities with quality. Business will suffer from this, because attention will not be focused on it.

Therefore, it is advisable to delegate the legal side of the issue to those experts who keep their finger on the pulse of all current legislative updates and know what needs to be done to ensure that their clients’ business is sustainable and legal.

In addition to the constant transformations of the legal field, there are many other challenges that any company in Ukraine faces. One of the key ones is full-scale war. And this means that in the legal sphere, the documentation that regulates your relations with counterparties should be sufficiently well developed to foresee possible force majeure and strategies for getting out of such circumstances.

Another permanent problem faced by business, regardless of the period in which the company or individual entrepreneur operates, is unscrupulous counterparties. Sometimes, mostly at the start of his entrepreneurial activity, a person thinks that if he conducts business with crystal honesty, he will be joined by the same conscientious partners. However, in practice, everything is much more complicated, because it is not possible to see an unscrupulous counterparty right away.

Therefore, it is important to trust really good lawyers who will draw up profitable and reliable cooperation agreements for you, on the basis of which you can defend your rights if necessary – both at the stage of pre-trial regulation and in court.

Finally, disputes with consumers can be attributed to common problems faced by businesses. At the same time, the consumer is not always right. If in the field of product sales it is easier for entrepreneurs to prove their rightness through quality expertise, then in the field of service provision this is far from always the case. Especially when it comes to information products.

That is why it is important to correctly draw up an offer contract, a privacy policy and work with personal data of customers. It would be very difficult to do without good lawyers. Therefore, it is worth contacting those who are really able to help you qualitatively in the legal field.

What services do they contact us for

Legal support of business activities from the Prykhodko&Partners law firm provides a wide range of services. Including:

  • Turnkey legal support. This is the broadest comprehensive service, which consists in the fact that we accompany all your activities in the legal field. In this case, your attention will be focused on the direct functions of the business, so you will not scatter it on legal aspects.
  • Preparation of draft documents. These can be contracts, acts and any other documentation that a business entity needs for quality business operation.
  • Proofreading and proofreading of finished documents. Even if your company already has a lawyer on staff, a second opinion from a specialist who can evaluate the content of the papers impartially often helps to avoid critical mistakes and gaps that can lead to losses.
  • Support in interaction with state bodies and representation in court. When the representative function is entrusted to other people, it is much easier for you to conduct your business without being distracted from it. Even difficult and conflicting situations can be resolved without stress when you are assisted by a professional lawyer.
  • Support in obtaining a license. If your business requires licensing, and you ignore this fact, you can pay big fines. For example, selling fuel without a license will cost you hundreds of thousands of hryvnias. So is it worth taking such a risk if the license itself costs several thousand?

In conclusion, it should be noted that legal support of economic activity opens up many constructive opportunities and frees the entrepreneur or the company’s management from an unnecessary burden.

An Iryna
Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

Lawyer, specialist in intellectual property. Specializes in registration and protection of copyrights, inventions, patents, trademarks, as well as development of intellectual property transfer agreements, license agreements.

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An Iryna

Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

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Ohorodnyk Viktoriia


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