Legal analysis of the contract

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An Iryna

Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

He specializes in protecting the business reputation of legal entities, honor and dignity of individuals, protecting intellectual property, disputes with insurance companies, legal support for the activities of public organizations.

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Legal analysis of the contract

Contractual relations are the basis on which a significant number of business contacts of people and companies are built. The future of these relations depends on how competently, qualitatively and efficiently the contract is drawn up. It is the documentary base that regulates many important issues of human communication in the business field. Therefore, the legal analysis of the contract is a sought-after service that provides an opportunity to find out whether the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties are sufficiently clearly defined. This is why the legal examination of documents is valuable, as it allows timely detection and correction of their shortcomings. Or – state that everything is fine with the document and have peace of mind in further cooperation with a business partner or partner enterprise.

Legal examination of the contract: popular services

Such expertise belongs to the focus of the practice of the Prikhodko&Partners law firm. We know what documents should be in various areas of legal relations, so that they are beneficial for all parties. So, among the popular services in this category are:

  • Analysis of NDA

This foreign language abbreviation refers to a non-disclosure agreement. Such an agreement is signed by two or more parties for the purpose of mutual exchange of various materials, knowledge or other information with the aim of securing access by third parties. Sometimes people do not attach importance to those interactions that require the conclusion of such a contract, and then this leads to losses. Let’s imagine a situation when an employer hired an employee, who learned confidential information about production processes, product features or strategic plans and passed it on to competitors. This is just one example, in fact there are quite a few. And when there is a well-drafted NDA, people understand the responsibility, which reduces the likelihood of industrial espionage.


  • Service contracts

Often, individuals and legal entities use typical versions of contracts, examples of which are taken from the Internet. They try to adapt them to themselves in a certain way, but this does not always give an opportunity to take into account all important aspects if the contract is drawn up without proper legal support. If you turn to specialists who will qualitatively analyze the contract, this gives you the opportunity to protect yourself from further unpleasant surprises caused by insufficiently thorough drafting.


  • Marriage contracts

Apparently, the stereotypes that the conclusion of a marriage contract is a sign of distrust between people have already become a thing of the past. Today, considering the statistics of divorces, it becomes clear that this situation can happen to many. After all, most of those who get married do not think about breaking it up, and further practice often shows the opposite. If the relationship between people deteriorates, it is difficult for them to solve material issues later. Therefore, it is better to draw up a fair marriage contract in advance. And let it be better not to be needed in the future, but its very presence will be a guarantee of additional peace.

  • Agreements with real estate

Usually, such agreements contain serious provisions, the implementation and compliance of which depends on the comfort of both parties. Therefore, before giving such an agreement legal force by signing and notarizing it, it is worth conducting a legal analysis of the agreement for the fairness of its provisions.


  • Contracts of sale and purchase

Perhaps, this is one of the most common variations of contracts. When it comes to the sale of valuable objects or things, it is important to draw up a contract in such a way that there is nothing risky for either party in its provisions. Our specialists can analyze whether the contract is drawn up really well.

  • Employment contracts

In order for the interaction to be beneficial for both the employee and the employer, it is necessary to first analyze the norms of the employment contract. It is important that this is not just a standard document, but a guarantee of ensuring the observance of mutual rights and the fulfillment of obligations.

Legal examination of projects of normative legal acts (including contracts) is an important area of specialization of the Prikhodko&Partners law firm.

Calculate the cost of services

1 question

Do you want to order the development of a contract for your needs?


2 question

Do you want to order an analysis of an existing contract?


3 question

Do you need an analysis of the supply contract?


4 question

Do you need an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) analysis?


5 question

Do you need an analysis of the employment contract?

An Iryna
Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

He specializes in protecting the business reputation of legal entities, honor and dignity of individuals, protecting intellectual property, disputes with insurance companies, legal support for the activities of public organizations.

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Head of Commercial and Civil Law Practice

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Ohorodnyk Viktoriia


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