Certificate of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine

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Certificate of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine

Certificate of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine: how to protect business from force majeure?

In today’s business environment, especially during unstable political and natural conditions, enterprises must be prepared for various contingencies that may affect their operations. One of the tools that can help a business manage risks is the certificate of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine (CCIU), which can become an important means of protection against force majeure circumstances.

What is force majeure?

Force majeure is unforeseen events or circumstances that arise beyond the will of the parties and make it impossible for them to fulfill their obligations under the contract. These can be natural disasters (for example, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes), environmental disasters (releases of toxic substances, water pollution), war, acts of terrorism, legal restrictions (for example, changes in legislation or prohibitions), economic crises, epidemics and other events, which prevent the fulfillment of the terms of the agreement. Force majeure circumstances usually exempt the parties from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the terms of the contract, if this is impossible due to these circumstances.


The role of the certificate of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine in the management of force majeure circumstances

Obtaining a TPPU certificate can become an important element of protection against force majeure for a business. This can be an important argument in the case of an attempt to prove that the company is unable to fulfill its obligations due to force majeure. In addition, the presence of a TPPU certificate can provide additional protection of the company’s interests in unforeseen circumstances. In particular, it can become important in resolving disputed issues with counterparties or implementing measures to minimize financial losses.


The certificate of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine can be an important protection tool for enterprises and minimize financial losses. Possession of this certificate can help in solving possible problems arising in the event of force majeure. Therefore, obtaining a CCIU certificate can be an important step for any enterprise that seeks to ensure the stability and safety of its activities.

Legal company “Prikhodko & Partners” can provide a wide range of services for obtaining a certificate of force majeure, aimed at helping enterprises solve the legal aspects of this issue. Here are some of the possible services that our law firm can provide in this direction:



Consultations on force majeure: Prikhodko & Partners law firm can provide consultations on matters related to force majeure circumstances, including determining whether certain events or circumstances fall under the criteria of force majeure in accordance with the law and the terms of the contract.


Preparation of documentation: Prikhodko & Partners law firm can assist in the preparation of all necessary documentation for obtaining a certificate of force majeure, including statements, certificates, explanatory notes and other necessary documents.


Representation in the authorities: the legal company “Prikhodko & Partners” can represent the interests of the enterprise in the authorities that issue certificates about force majeure circumstances, as well as in other relevant state bodies and institutions.


Participation in negotiations: the legal company “Prikhodko & Partners” can provide support to the enterprise during negotiations with counterparties or other interested parties regarding issues related to force majeure circumstances and the impact of these circumstances on the fulfillment of the terms of the contract.


Legal analysis and recommendations: the legal company “Prikhodko & Partners” can conduct an analysis of the terms of the contract and documents governing relations between the parties, and provide recommendations on the legal aspects of solving issues related to force majeure.


Legal protection and disputes: in case of disputes or conflicts related to force majeure circumstances, the legal company “Prikhodko & Partners” can provide services for the representation and protection of the company’s interests in court or other relevant bodies.


Our legal support can help businesses effectively manage the risks associated with force majeure. Careful analysis and legal advice on the terms of the contract and documents, as well as legal protection in case of disputes, will allow enterprises to maximally protect their interests in the face of unforeseen circumstances.

Thus, cooperation with an experienced law firm “Prikhodko & Partners” can be an important step for enterprises in ensuring their legal stability and protection in case of force majeure situations.

Calculate the cost of services

1 question

Do you need to get a certificate from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry about the occurrence of force majeure?


2 question

Is your counterparty suing you for non-fulfillment of your obligations under the contract?


3 question

Are you unable to fulfill your contractual obligations due to force majeure?


Lawyer, specializes in resolving international arbitration and court disputes, corporate, labor, medical, contract law, as well as supporting the economic activities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

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