Agreement on the provision of charitable assistance

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Agreement on the provision of charitable assistance

Charitable aid plays an integral role in the development of society and the support of those who are in difficult life circumstances. To ensure efficient and structured provision of charitable assistance, it is important to have clearly defined conditions and obligations through a contract.

The meaning of the contract on the provision of charitable assistance

The agreement on the provision of charitable assistance is of great importance for both charitable organizations and benefactors.

  • Legality and transparency: The contract establishes the legal rights and obligations of both parties and ensures transparency in the relationship between them. This avoids misunderstandings and conflicts in the future.
  • Effective use of resources: Clearly defined conditions and obligations allow optimal use of charitable funds or other resources. This contributes to the effective solution of social problems and the achievement of set goals.
  • Achieving social goals: The agreement allows you to focus efforts and resources on achieving specific social goals, such as improving the quality of life of low-income population groups, helping to solve medical problems, supporting educational and cultural initiatives, etc.
  • Responsibility and trust: The conclusion of the contract increases the level of responsibility of the parties to each other and to society. This helps build relationships based on trust and respect.
  • Attracting new resources: Through the contract, charities can attract new sources of funding and resources from benefactors. This helps to expand the scale of charitable activities and increase its impact on society.


Key aspects of the contract

  • Identification of the parties: The contract must clearly identify the parties – the charity and the benefactor, indicating their full names, details and addresses.
  • Object and amount of assistance: Determination of the type and amount of charitable assistance provided by the benefactor. It can be financial assistance, provision of goods or services, sponsorship, etc.
  • Conditions and terms of providing assistance: Establishing clear conditions and terms under which charitable assistance is provided. This may include the start and end dates of the benefit, as well as the conditions for its use.
  • Rights and obligations of the parties: The contract must define the rights and obligations of each party. For example, the responsibilities of a charitable organization may include providing reporting on the use of funds received, and the responsibilities of a philanthropist may include providing financial or other assistance.
  • Liability and termination of the contract: The contract must determine the liability of the parties in case of non-fulfillment of the conditions, as well as the conditions for termination of the contract.
  • Transparency and reporting: An important aspect is establishing transparency and reporting requirements for the use of charitable assistance. A charitable organization may be required to submit reports on the use of funds received or other means of reporting on its activities.

Contract conclusion and termination procedure

The procedure for concluding a contract on the provision of charitable assistance has several key stages:

  • Defining the terms of the contract: First of all, the parties must agree on the terms of the contract on the provision of charitable assistance, including the type and amount of assistance, the term of its provision, the rights and obligations of each party, as well as other important terms.
  • Preparation of the contract: At this stage, the contract must be prepared in writing in accordance with the requirements of the law. It should contain all the conditions that were agreed between the parties.
  • Signing the contract: After the contract is prepared, both parties must sign it. Signing the contract confirms the agreement of the parties to all its terms and obligates them to adhere to them.
  • Registration of the contract (if necessary): Depending on the specific circumstances, the contract on the provision of charitable assistance may require registration in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. For example, if the aid is provided for a significant amount of money or has material value, then its registration may be required.
  • Fulfillment of the terms of the contract: After the conclusion of the contract, the parties are obliged to comply with its terms. Charitable assistance is provided in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions.

Practical recommendations

  • Thorough reading: Before entering into a contract, both parties should carefully read its terms and understand their rights and responsibilities.
  • Consultation with a specialist: If necessary, consult a lawyer or other specialist to avoid misunderstandings in the future.
  • Compliance: Both parties must strictly comply with the terms of the contract to ensure the successful implementation of the charity project.

It is important to remember that the conclusion of an agreement on the provision of charitable assistance may also be subject to other requirements, depending on specific circumstances and the legislation that regulates the activities of charitable organizations in Ukraine. Before concluding any contract, it is recommended to get advice from a lawyer or other specialist in this field.

The legal company “Prikhodko & Partners” can provide a variety of services to the client under the agreement on the provision of charitable assistance, relying on its professional experience:


Consulting and legal analysis: The legal firm can provide advice to the client on the legal aspects of charitable activities, as well as carry out a legal analysis of the situation and recommendations on further steps.


Preparation of documents: The company can prepare the necessary documents for the registration of a charity, including articles of association, articles of incorporation, rules and regulations.


Representation and negotiation: Lawyers can represent the interests of the client before other parties, including before government bodies, other charitable organizations or partners. They can also participate in negotiations and conclusion of agreements.


Legal monitoring and regular support: The company can carry out constant legal monitoring of the legislation related to charitable activities and provide regular support to the client regarding changes in legal regulations.


Developing legal strategies: Lawyers can help develop legal strategies for raising funds and conducting charitable activities, ensuring compliance with the law and minimizing risks.


Legality oversight: A law firm can oversee a charity’s activities to ensure compliance with legal requirements and recommendations for resolving potential legal issues.


These services will help ensure legal support and protection of the client’s interests in the field of charitable activities.

The agreement on the provision of charitable assistance is an important tool in the field of charity, which ensures transparency, efficiency and legality in the relationship between charitable organizations and benefactors. Its conclusion and implementation requires attention and responsibility from both parties, but at the same time it allows to achieve significant social and humanitarian results.

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