Agreement between natural persons-entrepreneurs on provision of services

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Agreement between natural persons-entrepreneurs on provision of services

The conclusion of an agreement between individual entrepreneurs (PE) for the provision of certain services is an important stage in establishing legal relations and ensuring legal liability between the parties. This type of contract is regulated by the legislation on civil relations and requires certain features of conclusion and execution. In this article we will look at the key aspects of concluding and implementing an agreement between individual entrepreneurs for the provision of services.

  • Definition of the terms and subject of the agreement:

The first step in concluding a contract is to determine its terms and subject matter. The parties must clearly define the services provided by one party and the responsibilities that it assumes. This may include a description of the services, the duration of their provision, payment terms, rights and obligations of the parties.

  • Terms of payment:

An agreement between individual entrepreneurs may provide for different terms of payment for services provided. This may be a fixed predetermined amount or payment for actual services provided. It is important to define the terms of payment with a request to take into account the interests of both parties.


  •  Rights and obligations of the parties:

The contract must clearly define the rights and obligations of each party. This includes responsibilities for the provision of services, quality assurance, confidentiality of information, liability for breach of contract, etc.

  • Responsibility for violation of the terms of the contract:

The contract must also contain provisions for liability for violation of the terms of the contract. This may include punitive damages, compensatory damages, and other means of redress for the harm caused.

  • Confidentiality and information protection:

Since the agreement between individual entrepreneurs may contain confidential data or commercial information, it is important to include provisions to protect confidentiality. This may include obligations of the parties to keep confidential data secret and not disclose it to third parties without the consent of the other party.

  • Dispute resolution procedures:

The contract should also define procedures for resolving disputes if any arise between the parties. This may be dispute resolution through negotiations, mediation or court. Clear definition of procedures will help avoid unnecessary difficulties in resolving disputes.

  • The procedure for changes to the terms of the agreement:

The agreement between individual entrepreneurs must also contain provisions on the possibility of making changes to its terms. This may include a process for changes to be agreed in writing and confirmed by both parties.

  • Signing and certification of the contract:

In order for an agreement between a sole proprietor to have legal force, it is important that it be signed by both parties and contain their certified seals (if any). This confirms the agreement of the parties with the terms of the agreement and their mutual obligation.

The conclusion and execution of an agreement between individual entrepreneurs for the provision of services is an important step in establishing business relations and ensuring the legal liability of the parties. It is important to comply with all legal requirements and carefully consider the terms of the agreement to build mutually beneficial and stable cooperation between individual entrepreneurs. A correctly drawn up and executed contract provides mutually beneficial conditions for both parties and contributes to fruitful cooperation.

The legal company “Prikhodko&Partner” can provide various services for concluding and executing an agreement for the provision of services between individual entrepreneurs (IE). Namely:


Legal analysis: the law firm “Prikhodko&Partners” can carry out a comprehensive legal analysis of the terms of the contract and advise on their admissibility and compliance with the law.


Drawing up an agreement: our company’s specialists can conclude an agreement, taking into account all the necessary requirements and conditions that the parties want to include, as well as ensuring legal clarity and accuracy of the language of the document.


Negotiations: the law firm Prikhodko&Partners can take part in negotiations between the parties in order to agree on the terms of the contract and resolve any controversial issues.


Consultations: Our legal consultants can provide the parties with individual advice on the legal regulation of the contract and their rights and obligations in accordance with the law.


Dispute resolution: in the event of disputes between the parties, the law firm Prikhodko&Partners can provide dispute resolution services through negotiations, mediation or litigation, that is, ensure the protection of the rights and interests of its client in court.


Contract Audit: Once a contract is entered into, our law firm can conduct a contract audit to identify any potential problems or deficiencies and recommend ways to address them.


Legal audit of a business partner: Before concluding a contract, a law firm can carry out an audit of a business partner in order to verify its legal status, financial position and other important aspects.


Preparation of additional documents: if necessary, the law firm can prepare additional documents, such as additional agreements, acts of acceptance and transfer of services, instructions for the implementation of the contract, etc.

The conclusion and execution of an agreement for the provision of services between two individual entrepreneurs (FE) may require comprehensive legal support from a specialized law firm. According to this, the law firm “Prikhodko&Partners” can provide a wide range of services covering all aspects of the conclusion, execution and protection of the interests of the parties under the contract.


These services include legal advice, drafting and auditing of contracts, negotiations, tax advice, representation and defense of interests in court, as well as monitoring of compliance with contract terms.

An important component of this process is an individual approach to each client and provision of high quality legal services to achieve a successful result in concluding and executing a contract.

This integrated approach ensures the protection of the client’s interests, compliance of the contract with legal requirements and minimization of risks in the process of fulfilling contractual obligations. Fill out the form on our website and our lawyer will contact you shortly to discuss your issue.

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Lawyer, specializes in resolving international arbitration and court disputes, corporate, labor, medical, contract law, as well as supporting the economic activities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

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