"Salus populi suprema lex esto".

Lobunko Michael

Legal assistant in the practice of military disputes, dismissal from military service, reservation employees for the period of mobilization, appealing the conclusion of the military medical commission, legal support for clients in the military commissariat

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Unfortunately, the war still continues, but it unites our people more than ever before. Not only do we support each other and our soldiers who protect us from the Russian invasion, but also the state, which has pledged to financially support military personnel.

To my surprise, during the provision of legal aid to military personnel, I realized that most of them do not even know that they are entitled to financial assistance from the state and what is the exact amount of monetary payments they are allowed by law. I consider it necessary to correct this situation, so I will briefly (but meaningfully) tell you about how much money and under what circumstances our servicemen deserve.

Therefore, the state must provide monetary, material and food security.

But now we will focus on money. You can allocate the basic salary (by rank), allowances, bonuses, extra payments and rewards. Also, the state provides one-time additional types of financial support (usually this occurs as compensation for receiving an injury during the performance of a combat mission), as well as payments for participation in hostilities and during captivity or encirclement. Some payments reach UAH 100,000 for one month.

I understand that you want more numbers. The minimum amount of monetary support for a military serviceman during the period of martial law is 43.5 thousand UAH, and in the case of direct participation in hostilities - 113.5 thousand UAH. That is, in relatively peaceful places of service, the additional reward will be UAH 30,000, but during combat operations, the soldier's salary will be plus UAH 100,000 in proportion to the number of days spent in combat operations. I will explain more clearly.

For example, a shooter will receive a basic salary of UAH 43,244, not being in a combat zone, but performing combat tasks at the front, the shooter receives UAH 113,244. As an example, I will also give a combatant (battalion commander). The basic salary during martial law is 54,362 UAH, and in the place of hostilities - 124,362 UAH.

Social guarantees and benefits for professional servicemen and mobilized are almost the same. At the same time, the mobilization allowance is paid only in case of concluding a contract or moving to a new place of service. In turn, the families of all deceased servicemen are paid a one-time benefit in the amount of UAH 15,000,000 for the period of martial law.

Unfortunately, such a practice is widespread that sometimes they do not always pay military servicemen money or simply do not pay them a certain part of the salary, which was earned with blood and sweat in the literal sense of the word. This happens for various reasons, including illegal ones. However, until we independently declare our rights and the responsibilities of those responsible for the salaries of our military, the matter will not move.

Therefore, if you believe that your rights have been violated and you have not received your money or have not received it at all, you can safely seek our legal help so that no one can make a profit and appropriate the honestly earned money of our fighters!

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Legal assistant in the practice of military disputes, dismissal from military service, reservation employees for the period of mobilization, appealing the conclusion of the military medical commission, legal support for clients in the military commissariat

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