"Climbing up is always difficult - it's easy only when you fly down".
Head of migration law practice
Lawyer, master of law, expert in the field of migration law.
What documents are required for border crossing?
When it comes to the departure abroad of citizens who go on a PPR, all the necessary documents must be previously issued in the territorial division of the State Migration Service. The team of the "Prikhodko&Partners" law office will guide you in which list of documents should be prepared in advance for consideration. And we will also provide you with high-quality legal support of the procedure to simplify and speed it up in the legal field as much as possible.
When can you travel abroad on PPR?
Those citizens who are not on the military register and are not subject to mobilization can leave without hindrance, when they have properly completed all the documents. In such a case, the representatives of the territorial unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs put a corresponding stamp in the citizen's passport for traveling abroad, sealing it with a seal. If the passport of a citizen of Ukraine has the format of a booklet, then such a stamp is also affixed to it. In cases where a citizen has an internal passport in the form of an ID card, information about traveling abroad is entered on the PPR on a contactless electronic medium.
If the applicant was refused a permit to travel abroad for permanent residence, the representatives of the State Migration Service are obliged to inform him about this within 5 working days from the moment of submission of documents. In those cases when they refuse, they must indicate the grounds for such refusal and provide guidance on the procedure for appealing it.
What to do to those who have acquired the citizenship of another country?
There is a single citizenship in Ukraine, so acquiring the citizenship of another state leads to the loss of Ukrainian citizenship. However, in practice, the loss of Ukrainian citizenship occurs only after the corresponding decree of the President. That is why it happens that for some time during the transition period a person has dual citizenship. Then she can cross the border using the passport of another country. In most cases, this is exactly what happens.
There is a certain legal conflict here. On the one hand, a person who becomes a citizen of another country loses Ukrainian citizenship. On the other hand, there is no obligation in the legislation for citizens to notify state authorities that they have acquired such foreign citizenship. The exception is only some government officials.
Some important aspects
Also, pay attention to the documents for a number of specific cases:
- When crossing the border with a child, there must be a birth certificate and documents certifying family ties. The child must have his own foreign passport, or his information must be entered in the mother's foreign passport.
- When you cross the border with an animal, you need to take care of all the requirements that are relevant to it. The list of such requirements is quite broad and requires advance preparation. For example, the rabies vaccination must be done no earlier than 30 days before the date you plan to travel.
So that there are no unpleasant surprises at the border itself, take care to properly prepare for departure.
The lawyers of the Prikhodko&Partners law firm will advise you in detail on all aspects of border crossing. We will answer all your urgent questions and offer high-quality legal support for the procedure.
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Head of migration law practice
Lawyer, master of law, expert in the field of migration law.
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