Фото: What documents are needed to register an inheritance for a house?

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Alla Borysenko

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What documents are needed to register an inheritance for a house?

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The death of a loved one is always a tragedy for close relatives, because it usually happens when you least expect it.

But in addition to emotional worries, legal heirs also have to face property issues that are directly related to the registration of inheritance.

Therefore, in this informative article, specialists from the law firm "Prikhodko and Partners" will help to understand the practical nuances of this process and will provide an answer to the question of what documents the heirs need to register the inheritance of the house.

What is the process of registration of inheritance in Ukraine?

  1. Appeal to the notary. The first stage for registration of inheritance is the application of the heirs to the local notary with a corresponding written statement about acceptance of the inherited property. This application must be submitted within 6 months from the date of the testator's death. When applying, the notary must inform which documents should be submitted together with the application;
  2. Opening of inheritance case. After the notary receives the necessary package of documents with the submitted application for acceptance of inheritance, he opens the inheritance case. If there is a need, he also searches for other heirs and informs them about the death of the testator and the opening of the inheritance;
  3. Distribution of inheritance. If there is only one heir, then in such circumstances there are no problems, since he inherits all the property. If there are several heirs, then there is a need to distribute the inheritance. According to the general rule, the heirs can agree among themselves on the voluntary distribution of the inheritance, determining the shares that each of them will receive in case of acceptance of the inheritance. However, in the event of a conflict between the heirs regarding the determination of the share, they turn to the judicial authorities, which make the final decision on the distribution of the inherited property;
  4. Obtaining a certificate of the right to inheritance. From the moment of resolution of all inheritance disputes or when 6 months have passed since the date of death of the testator, the notary issues certificates of the right to inheritance to citizens. This certificate is a legal document, and therefore it is possible to issue inheritance property with its help;
  5. Registration of property rights. It is the final stage of registration of inheritance at which the heir officially becomes the legal owner of the inherited property, since he receives all the rights of ownership of it, namely disposal, use and possession. The confirmation of the registration of the ownership right to the inheritance is the receipt of an extract from State Register of Real Property Rights.

It will also be useful: Inheritance lawyer

What documents are required to register an inheritance for a house?

A typical list of documents is:

  • a will (if it was made during the life of the testator);
  • if the inheritance is accepted by law - documents and certificates confirming family ties (for example, a birth or marriage certificate, a certificate on the composition of the family, decisions of judicial authorities on establishing the fact, etc.);
  • the death certificate of the testator (as a rule, the original is submitted);
  • a document that records the place of registration and residence of the deceased testator, as well as a list of citizens who lived with him;
  • documents confirming the identity of the heir (usually a passport and RNOCPP);
  • documents confirming the legality of the acquisition of property by the deceased testator (for example, a certificate of ownership of a house or any other immovable property);
  • a copy of the receipt for the payment of the duty established by the state for the opening of the inheritance case;
  • and many others.

Pay attention! The above list of documents is not final and may be expanded depending on the individual circumstances of the case.

Why should you contact our company?

  • Many years of practical work experience in the field of inheritance law of Ukraine;
  • Basic knowledge of the current legislation of Ukraine;
  • Ensuring a guaranteed result in the case;
  • Professional approach to solving problem situations of the company's clients;
  • Adherence to lawyer's secrecy, which enables our clients to be confident in the confidentiality of their data.

To sign up for a consultation and receive legal assistance in drawing up the necessary documents for inheritance registration, fill out the application form below. Our specialized lawyer will contact you soon!

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Lawyer practicing family law. Specializes in the procedure of separation, reduced alimony, sub-friendship, placement of a child, abrogation of father's rights, separation of father's rights from a rich family. ї, other family and recessionary disputes.

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