Фото: Visa to Great Britain for Ukrainians

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Lawyer specializing in migration law - processing documents on the territory of Ukraine, European Union countries (Poland, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Romania), providing visa assistance for Ukrainian citizens and foreigners.

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Visa to Great Britain for Ukrainians

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A visa to Britain for Ukrainians is a fairly common request that the team of the Prikhodko&Partners law firm works with. So if you are interested in such a visa, pay attention to the possibility of issuing it using the legal support of our specialists. We specialize in migration law in general and its individual topics, so we will help you qualitatively and competently. In the meantime, we suggest considering what types of visas there are for this country.


Visa to Great Britain: types

So, among the varieties of such visas are:

  • Visit Visa. To put it simply, this is a permit to visit the country. This, in turn, includes various types of visas, such as guest, tourist, sports, and business visas. This option is suitable for those who do not intend to live and work in Great Britain, but consider this country exclusively as a place for tourism, visiting relatives, participation in sports competitions and business cooperation. This visa provides for a short stay in the country, which is possible for a period of up to 180 days per year.
  • Short-term student visa. It can provide a term from 6 to 11 months. However, the term largely determines its purpose. Yes, if the visa is opened for 6 months, then it allows you to study at any courses. But when it comes to the period from 6 to 11 months, it is possible only in cases when the student goes to this country to study at English courses.
  • Long-term student visa. It is relevant when children from the age of 16 or adults go to the UK for long-term studies. At the same time, to open such a visa, you need to confirm your level of English. There is another important requirement in the context of health - to provide a certificate confirming the absence of tuberculosis.
  • Visa for family reunification with an EU citizen. This visa is available for husbands, wives, children and parents of EU citizens. However, there are many nuances in its design, which will be more convenient to learn about in a consultation format.
  • Visa for the spouse of a British citizen. Its registration is quite complicated, as it involves the preparation of a number of documents. Just being married is not enough. It is necessary that it lasted from 2 years, and the property of the spouses had a living area and means of subsistence. When registering, an English proficiency test and a tuberculosis test are given.
  • Transit visa. It is issued by travelers who go to third countries via Britain.

So, the types of visas to Great Britain are just like that. Applying for legal assistance in obtaining a visa to a team that specializes in such requests will greatly simplify the whole process for you.

Віза в Британію для українців

How can we help?

When you contact the lawyers of the international migration practice of the Prikhodko&Partners law firm, we act as follows:

  • We analyze the prospects for issuing a specific visa in your situation. We will guide you on what package of documents you may need.
  • We provide comprehensive information about the requirements for obtaining a visa, as well as the specifics of the procedure.
  • We advise separately on all documents and, if necessary, translate them.
  • We accompany the process of filling out the questionnaire, since the entire result depends on the correctness at this stage.


Thus, the participation of qualified lawyers in visa processing helps to facilitate and speed up this procedure. You don't have to act alone, so you can rely on professional support. Fill out the form on our website and our lawyer will contact you shortly.

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Lawyer specializing in migration law - processing documents on the territory of Ukraine, European Union countries (Poland, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Romania), providing visa assistance for Ukrainian citizens and foreigners.

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