Фото: Searching for Hungarian roots

"Tempŏra mutantur, et leges mutantur in illis – times change and laws change with them."

Fedortsov Oleksandr

Lawyer practicing international migration. Specializes in issues of migration law - paperwork on the territory of Ukraine and the countries of the European Union (Romania, Hungary, Spain, Czech Republic).

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Searching for Hungarian roots

Reading time: 4 min.
Many people with Hungarian roots are thinking about obtaining Hungarian citizenship. The team of the law firm "Prikhodko & Partners" has experienced specialists in the field of migration law who regularly work with such requests from clients. Therefore, with this in mind, we offer quality services, which we will discuss later. In the meantime, it is worth discussing in more detail the issue of Hungarian citizenship and how it is regulated by repatriation.


Obtaining Hungarian Citizenship: Legal and Regulatory Framework

Therefore, this issue is regulated by the following legal acts:

  • The Hungarian Citizenship Act. This law covers in detail the entire procedure for obtaining Hungarian citizenship.
  • The Law on State Registration of Civil Status Acts. Although this legal act is not directly related to the topic of Hungarian citizenship, it regulates the procedure for obtaining duplicate copies from civil registry offices.
  • Order of the Ministry of Justice № 295/5 "On Approval of the Procedure for Fulfillment by Archival Institutions of Requests of Legal Entities and Individuals Based on Archival Documents and Issuance of Archival Certificates (Copies, Extracts)". It is quite obvious that you may need to work with archives to find sources confirming your Hungarian roots. Therefore, it is worth knowing which bylaw regulates the process of obtaining archival documents.
This is the legal framework that regulates the issue of obtaining Hungarian citizenship.

What are the grounds for obtaining Hungarian citizenship?

Citizenship of this country on the basis of repatriation can be obtained either by one's own descent or by the descent of one of the relatives up to the 4th generation if they were citizens of this country. The same applies to cases when relatives were born before 1920 or in the period of 1938-1945 in the territories that were previously part of Hungary.
As for the documents confirming Hungarian origin, they include the following:
  • Birth certificates of relatives, where the above facts are certified.
  • Archival certificates or extracts from metropolitan registers of births of relatives, where their Hungarian citizenship is indicated.
  • The family members' passports of the Republic of Hungary.
As for the correct algorithm of actions in such cases, there is a need to first find out what documents the relatives had. We are talking about the documentation that can be used to confirm Hungarian origin. It is also worth knowing the years and place of their birth. The more data you have, the easier it is to find the necessary documents. It is also important to know that documents issued more than 75 years ago are not kept in civil registry offices, but in archival institutions. And it is by submitting requests to the archives that you can get the relevant extracts.



Why should you contact us?

Migration attorneys of the law firm "Prikhodko & Partners" provide their clients with the following assistance:

  • advice on the required package of documents, based on your situation;
  • assistance in preparing documents for their further receipt;
  • support of the procedure for obtaining Hungarian citizenship - with the professional support of competent lawyers, everything goes much faster;
  • apostille on documents confirming your Hungarian origin.

The lawyers of the Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm will help you with the search for Hungarian roots and advise you on possible options for citizenship. Fill out the form on our website and our lawyer will contact you shortly.

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Lawyer practicing international migration. Specializes in issues of migration law - paperwork on the territory of Ukraine and the countries of the European Union (Romania, Hungary, Spain, Czech Republic).

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