Фото: Report on obtaining a certificate about the circumstances of the injury

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Report on obtaining a certificate about the circumstances of the injury

Reading time: 3 min.

No war is complete without injuries and mutilations. But in addition to physical suffering, there are often cases where servicemen are required to prove the fact that they were injured during combat operations. One of the documents that can confirm this fact is a certificate about the circumstances of the injury.

Importance of obtaining such a certificate

A certificate on the circumstances of an injury (injury, contusion, mutilation) is a document that confirms the fact of receiving an injury, wound, contusion or mutilation as a result of hostilities. The report for obtaining this certificate is an official document that a serviceman submits to his commander with a request to issue him a certificate on the circumstances of the injury during the performance of official duties.


Why is it needed?

Help can be used for:

  • Receiving an insurance payment. Many insurance companies require a certificate about the circumstances of the injury in order to pay insurance compensation.
  • Receipt of one-time cash assistance. According to Ukrainian legislation, servicemen who were injured as a result of hostilities have the right to one-time monetary assistance.
  • Establishing the status of a participant in hostilities.
  • Receiving other benefits and compensations.

The certificate is an official document that confirms:

  • The fact of the injury: The certificate contains information about the date, time, place and circumstances of the injury.
  • Combat-related injury: The certificate confirms that the injury occurred as a result of combat and not from other causes.

It is important to know: the terms of issuing this certificate depend on the needs and terms of clarifying the circumstances.

Procedure for submitting the report

A serviceman writes a report in the name of his commander. The report states: the date and time of the injury, the place where the injury was received, the circumstances under which the injury was received, the nature of the injury, witnesses to the event (if any).

The following is attached to the report:

  • A medical document confirming the fact of injury.
  • Explanation of witnesses (if any).
  • The serviceman's commander examines the report and issues him a certificate on the circumstances of the injury.

Grounds for obtaining a certificate:

  • Injury received during the performance of official duties.
  • Injury received as a result of an accident at work.
  • Injury resulting from duty-related disability or illness.


Assistance of a lawyer

A lawyer can help military personnel:

  • Compile a report on obtaining a certificate about the circumstances of the injury.
  • Collect the necessary documents.
  • Appeal the actions of the commander if he refused to issue a certificate.

An injury certificate is an important document that can help a service member get the help and benefits they need. Military personnel who were injured during hostilities have the right to comprehensive support from the state. To get advice from a lawyer on military law, fill out the form on our website and we will contact you shortly.

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Specializes in military law: contesting the conclusion of the military medical commission, writing reports, writing applications to the TCC and SP for deferment, support for dismissal from military service, consultations on mobilization.

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