Фото: Report on dismissal from the Armed Forces of Ukraine due to family circumstances

"Arma potentius aequum".

Ternova Diana

Lawyer practicing military law and recalculation of military pensions. Specializes in issues of mobilization, namely providing consultations, obtaining postponement of mobilization, issues of passing the military medical commission. Assistance to military personnel, provision of consultations, writing of reports, support for dismissal from military service, appealing the conclusion of the military medical commission, etc.

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Report on dismissal from the Armed Forces of Ukraine due to family circumstances

Reading time: 3 min.

Mobilization continues, servicemen have been protecting the Motherland from the armed aggression of the Russian Federation for more than one month, but the questions about military service remain the same and systematic. Especially the question regarding dismissal from the Armed Forces due to family circumstances.

Dismissal from the Armed Forces for family reasons is possible in clearly defined cases. These reasons may differ slightly depending on whether the serviceman is mobilized or serving under a contract.

You can familiarize yourself with the list of family grounds in our previous articles or by opening article 26 of the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service". Those mobilized should familiarize themselves with part 4 of this article, and contract workers with part 5.


If a serviceman has the right to release, he can exercise it. To do this, you need to write a report and collect documents that confirm these family circumstances. And after notarizing them, submit them to the unit.

As practice shows, dismissal from military service with the help of a lawyer remains the most effective way.

Why should you contact a military lawyer if there are grounds for dismissal for family reasons?

Here are some benefits:

  • An initial consultation during which the lawyer will analyze your family circumstances and inform you whether you really have grounds for dismissal. It will analyze the existing documents and guide which ones still need to be collected.
  • You need to write a report for dismissal.

Allegedly, there is nothing complicated, since the templates are available on the Internet. However, this point is the most important. If you submit some kind of template report, you can easily get rejected, because it will not clearly state your family circumstances. With this in mind, we are often approached by military personnel who do not know how to write a report correctly, or use a 2-paragraph template that they do not even want to consider.

In this way, servicemen independently delay the process of dismissal, because they are forced to resubmit the report several times.

  • Help in writing a report.

A military lawyer already has developed algorithms and materials for writing a report. Especially since this report is written individually according to your documents.


  •  Correct reporting.

Submitted incorrectly and are already waiting 30 days, but no response? Unfortunately, this remains the most popular problem, as reports are lost, not registered, servicemen are waiting, and it is not clear what to wait for.

  • Monitoring of the review of the report.

A lawyer can always send a lawyer request to find out at what stage the report is being considered. And what problems can there be in making a decision on dismissal.

If you are still not sure whether you have collected all the documents correctly, it is better to contact a military lawyer to save time in case of mistakes. If you want to get advice or help from a lawyer on the issue of dismissal from military service, fill out the form on our website and our lawyer will call you.

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Lawyer practicing military law and recalculation of military pensions. Specializes in issues of mobilization, namely providing consultations, obtaining postponement of mobilization, issues of passing the military medical commission. Assistance to military personnel, provision of consultations, writing of reports, support for dismissal from military service, appealing the conclusion of the military medical commission, etc.

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