Фото: Protection against unfair competition to AMKU

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David Gafter

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Protection against unfair competition to AMKU

Reading time: 4 min.

In today's business environment, unfair competition can become a serious obstacle to the development of your business. Abuse of market position, unfair practices and unfair competition harm not only your business, but also the overall economic climate. In order to protect your interests and ensure equal conditions for all market participants, it is important to contact the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU). Our law firm is ready to provide you with the necessary support and advice for effective protection against unfair competition.


Possible consequences of unfair competition

Unfair competition can have serious consequences for your business, including:

  • Illegal actions of competitors can lead to a decrease in sales and a decrease in the profit of your company.
  • Unfair practices can damage your brand's reputation among consumers and partners.

Competitors' actions may conflict with antitrust laws and require regulatory intervention.

Signs of unfair competition

Dissemination of inaccurate information about the properties and quality of goods:

  • Dissemination of false information about the characteristics of goods in order to make consumers perceive them as more attractive or of better quality than they actually are.
  • Example. Pharmaceutical company X claims that its new vitamin preparation has a unique formula that can boost immunity 10 times more than any other preparation on the market. However, scientific studies do not support this claim, and it can mislead consumers into spending money on an ineffective product.

Spreading inaccurate price information:

  • Manipulating prices and providing inaccurate pricing information in order to attract customers or crowd out competitors.
  • Example. Store A is having a sale where it says prices are 50% off. However, after a detailed comparison, it turns out that they increase the original price before the sale to make it look like a big discount.

Spreading inaccurate information about leadership:

  • Attempts to create a false image of the market leader by disseminating false data about sales volumes, market share or other indicators.
  • Example. Company B claims to be the undisputed leader in their industry, but in reality, this is not reflected in their financial performance or actual market activity.

All these examples are typical situations where unscrupulous competitors can use inaccurate information to their advantage, misleading consumers or other market participants. Such actions may violate the rules of fair competition and cause serious problems for honest players in the market.


AMCU provides protection against unfair competition

The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine is a key regulator in the fight against unfair competition. It supervises the implementation of antimonopoly legislation and makes decisions on violations in the field of competition. By applying to AMCU, you get the opportunity to protect your rights and interests from unfair actions of competitors.

Our lawyers will help you apply to AMKU

Protection against unfair competition to AMKU is an important component of your company's business strategy. Our team of lawyers specializes in a comprehensive approach to resolving issues related to unfair competition and guarantees professional and effective representation in the AMCU.

Our services include:

  • Analysis of the situation. We will conduct an in-depth analysis of your situation, taking into account legal aspects and norms of antimonopoly legislation.
  • Strategy development. Based on the received data, we will develop an individual strategy for protection against unfair competition and choose the optimal path for you.
  • Preparation of documentation. Our lawyers will prepare all the necessary documents for applying to the AMCU and presenting your case.
  • Participation in the procedure. We will represent your interests during all procedures of interaction with the Antimonopoly Committee, including hearings and negotiations.
  • Legal support. Our team will provide you with professional support at every stage of interaction with AMKU, from the initial application to receiving a decision.

Do not leave your business at the mercy of unscrupulous competitors. Contact us, and we will ensure reliable protection of your company from unfair competition through the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine.

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Specializes in support of tenders, protection of copyrights, inventions, patents, trademarks, legal support in cases of administrative offenses.

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