Фото: Postponement of mobilization to care for an elderly person

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Postponement of mobilization to care for an elderly person

Reading time: 3 min.

Today, there is a fairly large number of grounds for deferral from mobilization. When it comes to caring for an elderly person, a postponement is possible when it comes to such people:

  • those with disabilities;
  • those with persistent cognitive impairment;
  • those who have incurable diseases that prevent them from taking care of themselves.

Care for such a person can be arranged on a professional or non-professional basis. When we talk about care as a ground for deferment from mobilization, it is possible only on an unprofessional basis.


Care on a non-professional basis

In order to apply for this type of care, the person being cared for must be a family member. If the future caregiver and the person to be cared for live separately, you need to contact the Administrative Services Center at the patient's place of residence. It is also possible to apply to the local social protection authority. The package of documents to be submitted is as follows:

  • a statement regarding the desire to care for the sick person;
  • the patient's consent, if he or she is legally capable (i.e., does not have mental disorders that would interfere with decision-making);
  • passports of both persons, TIN certificates, certificates of residence registration;
  • declaration of the applicant's income and property, family composition;
  • a certificate confirming that the person's health condition really requires constant care.

It is also important to consider whether a person can be denied care.

When is the opt-out option available?

Thus, such a refusal is possible in the following cases:

  • when the documents that were submitted turned out to be unreliable;
  • when representatives of social services have carried out an inspection and realized that the person does not actually need care;
  • when the person who wants to take in a sick person does not have the necessary living conditions;
  • when the persons indicated that they lived together, but a check by social services refuted the fact of cohabitation.

Thus, the law regulates the issue of caregiver registration in great detail. Therefore, if you are going to do this, it is worth engaging the services of professional lawyers who specialize in such issues.


Why should you choose a legal support service?

The specialists of the Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm offer their clients legal support in obtaining a deferral from mobilization to care for your elderly relative. Our cooperation takes place in several stages:

  • Consultation and analysis of documents. We analyze the current state of affairs and prospects.
  • Support in obtaining an act of establishing care. This stage is quite laborious. Therefore, the assistance of a lawyer will be a good solution that will save you a lot of time and effort.
  • Preparation of documents and further support in the Territorial center for recruitment and social support.

When you entrust such a representative function to professional lawyers, you free yourself from the need to understand the legal norms yourself and interact with government agencies repeatedly during this process. All issues that do not require your personal presence can be resolved by professional lawyers. So use this service to make your life easier.

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Senior lawyer

Specializes in military law: contesting the conclusion of the military medical commission, writing reports, writing applications to the TCC and SP for deferment, support for dismissal from military service, consultations on mobilization.

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