"Every person has the moral ability to defend their rights".
Assistant lawyer
Expert in the field of civilian pensions, recalculation of pensions of law enforcement agencies and military law.
Pension for long service for medical workers
When it comes to a worker’s retirement, the two main considerations are longevity and retirement. The first framework is expanded into a number of folding robots, connected with special versatility and emotional tension. Moreover, such workers can retire earlier than the legal pension system established in the state. Medical workers also have to wait until they can retire for long service. We respectfully request that you learn in more detail about the peculiarities of the legal regulation of this food, possible associated problems and advantages of the transaction with legal support to the team of the law firm “Prikhodko&Partners”.
Legislation VS court practice
We also refer to the Law “On Pension Security”, which dates back to November 5, 1991 and is numbered 1788-XII, and itself – to paragraph “a” of Art. 54 and Art. 55. On the right, changes were made to these articles, enshrined in the Law “On introducing changes to certain legislative acts of Ukraine for pension security.” This happened in the spring of 2015. And then there were changes based on the norms of the Law “On Amendments to Current Legislative Acts of Ukraine.” Prote knowledge of the norms wasted on the basis of decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on the 4th of 2019, issue № 2-r/2019. What does this mean in simple words? The rules of Law № 1788-XII have been updated in its first edition.
What is the place of guessing articles?
Having considered this, the norms of any law are relevant, then move on to the replacement of the articles themselves. Also, they say that the right to a pension for long-service work has been transferred to health, social security and education workers who have a work experience of 25 to 30 years. The transfer of professions is confirmed in the order determined by the Cabinet of Ministers. For such workers, the right to a pension continues regardless of age.
When we consult our clients on this topic, we rely on the norms of clauses 1-2 and clause 16 of the principle provisions of Law № 1058-IV, which deals with pensions, for which a person has the right, consistent with clause “e” of Article 55 Law № 1788-XII. It is also stipulated there that the long-service pension is assigned to persons from a significant transition of profession, who have the experience necessary for its recognition since 11 June 2017.
Who is covered by double-level experience?
And part of the profession, where Vikonanna works, is connected with important and careless minds. In such situations, the length of service is insured at a double rate. We are talking about work in anti-plague and leprosy departments, intensive care and pathological-anatomical departments, infectious departments (including - there, where they treat infected people on HIV and sick people on HIV/AIDS). Finally, before the appointed transfer, make arrangements to provide psychiatric help.
Can you give away such a pension to someone who is still working?
This kind of food needs to be expanded. The answer to the new one is beyond belief. Only those who plan to leave their job as soon as they are eligible can apply for this pension. If you are talking about continuing your work and getting a pension for your service, then you can only continue to work as a pensioner unless you are required to protect your health until you reach the end of what is possible with this type of pension.
If you are kidding the lawyers, they will explain everything in detail not only in advance, but also by looking at the specific circumstances of your situation, to gain respect for the law firm “Prikhodko&Partners”. We provide clear advice and provide legal support for client requests.
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Assistant lawyer
Expert in the field of civilian pensions, recalculation of pensions of law enforcement agencies and military law.
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