Фото: Payments upon discharge from military service due to health

"Salus populi suprema lex esto".

Lobunko Michael

Legal assistant in the practice of military disputes, dismissal from military service, reservation employees for the period of mobilization, appealing the conclusion of the military medical commission, legal support for clients in the military commissariat

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Payments upon discharge from military service due to health

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A military serviceman who is released from service due to health conditions is entitled to certain types of benefits. But not all military personnel know about them or do not know how to exercise their right to these payments.

Types of payments

  • a one-time cash allowance in the amount of 50 percent of the monthly cash allowance for each full calendar year of service (the amount of the one-time cash allowance is determined by multiplying the monthly cash allowance on the day of dismissal by the number of full calendar years of service);
  • monetary assistance for solving social and household issues in the amount of a monthly allowance;
  • compensation for all types of unused vacations during service;
  • one-time monetary assistance for rehabilitation;
  • compensation for unused tangible property.

It is worth noting that assistance for rehabilitation and solving social and household issues is paid only if such types of assistance were not received in the year of dismissal from service.


Additional payments upon discharge from military service due to health

A military serviceman who is discharged for health reasons is entitled to additional payments if he:

  • recognized as disabled as a result of an illness related to military service;
  • has an illness that is a contraindication to military service;
  • has a family that needs financial assistance.

The amount of additional payments is determined individually.

Payment term

Payments upon discharge due to the state of health are paid to the serviceman on the day of discharge.

The procedure for receiving benefits upon dismissal due to health

To receive payments, a serviceman must submit the following documents:

  • dismissal report;
  • extract from the dismissal order;
  • military ID;
  • health certificate.

The report on dismissal is submitted by the serviceman to the commander of the military unit no later than two months before the day of dismissal. In the report, the serviceman indicates the grounds for dismissal and requests for payment of the established benefits.

If a serviceman is not paid sick leave benefits, he can contact a lawyer for legal assistance.


A lawyer can help a serviceman in the following matters:

  • Consultation on the rights of a serviceman upon discharge due to health;
  • Assistance in drawing up documents for receiving payments;
  • Representation of the interests of a serviceman in military administration bodies;
  • Appealing the dismissal decision to court.

Additional tips:

If you are not paid severance pay due to your health, you should contact a lawyer immediately. A lawyer will help you to protect your rights and get proper payments. A lawyer's specific advice will depend on the specific situation.

If you have any questions about receiving sick leave benefits, it is recommended that you contact a lawyer for legal advice.

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Legal assistant in the practice of military disputes, dismissal from military service, reservation employees for the period of mobilization, appealing the conclusion of the military medical commission, legal support for clients in the military commissariat

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