"Sic parvis magna - Big starts from small."

Zvonenko Yaroslav

Lawyer practicing military law. Consultations on mobilization, assistance in obtaining a deferment. Specialist in legal support of military personnel on issues of dismissal, compensation payments and transfers to another military unit. Assistance to military personnel in passing the Military Medical Commission, appealing the Military Medical Commission, writing reports and documents of any complexity.

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Social protection of servicemen in wartime plays an important role. After all, in addition to the usual payments for military personnel, there is the question of financial support in the event of injury to a military personnel.

How is the issue of payment in case of injury settled?

The issue of payment of monetary assistance in case of injury is regulated by two main normative legal acts - the Law of Ukraine "On Social and Legal Protection of Servicemen and Their Families" and Resolution № 975 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 25, 2013. The dimensions and procedure of these NPAs are specified in detail receiving compensation for injuries.

Amount of payments

The amount of payments when a serviceman is injured depends on whether such serviceman has been assigned a disability group as a result of the injury or not.

If we talk about the establishment of the 1st group of disability as a result of an injury, then the one-time cash benefit is 400 times the amount of the subsistence minimum. The size of the subsistence minimum is taken as of January 1 of the year in which the soldier was injured. If it is the 2nd group of disability, then the one-time benefit is 300 times the amount of the subsistence minimum, and for the 3rd group of disability - 250 times the amount of the subsistence minimum.

But in the case of receiving an injury as a result of hostilities, but without establishing a disability group, the amount of one-time assistance can be 70 times or 50 times (the amount of the subsistence minimum.


How to get payments for being injured in war?

In order to receive compensation for injuries, it is necessary to apply with the relevant application to the commander of the relevant unit where the serviceman served with the relevant application. You can get a sample application from the military unit or ask a lawyer for help in drawing it up. The application must be accompanied by documents confirming the identity, as well as a certificate from the MSEK about the assigned disability group (if it is assigned) and the conclusion of the Military Medical Commission regarding the recognition of injury as a result of hostilities.

After receiving all the necessary documents, a decision is made to pay a one-time benefit to a serviceman as a result of an injury. On the basis of this decision, the military serviceman is credited with one-time assistance due to injury to his bank account, the details of which he indicated when writing the application for payment of assistance in case of injury.


There are situations when a military serviceman is given a decision to refuse payment in case of injury. Such a decision must be reasoned. If a person does not agree with such a decision, he can appeal it in court.



In any case, do not neglect the legal assistance of specialists. After all, timely application for legal advice and help in drawing up documents for the payment of financial assistance in case of injury is a guarantee of compliance with the rights and social guarantees for a serviceman.

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Lawyer practicing military law. Consultations on mobilization, assistance in obtaining a deferment. Specialist in legal support of military personnel on issues of dismissal, compensation payments and transfers to another military unit. Assistance to military personnel in passing the Military Medical Commission, appealing the Military Medical Commission, writing reports and documents of any complexity.

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