Фото: Payment for injuries of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

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Payment for injuries of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Reading time: 4 min.

When it comes to payments to a serviceman after being injured in connection with the deterioration of his health, but without establishing such a group of disabilities, everyone for some reason believes that the serviceman can no longer count on any payments, but this is a wrong statement. In addition to one-time cash assistance (hereinafter referred to as OGD) upon establishment of a disability group, CMU Resolution № 975 of December 25, 2013 provides for one-time cash assistance for loss of working capacity. In order to receive such a payment, documents about the injury will not be enough.

It is mandatory to pass the medical and social expert commission (MSEK) to determine the percentage loss of a serviceman's working capacity. It is also important to understand that the percentage of disability will depend on the amount you can receive a payment.


Here are some key points:

  • the amount of assistance is determined as a percentage of 70 times the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons;
  • the amount of the subsistence minimum, which is used for payment calculations, is determined as of January 1 of the calendar year in accordance with the date indicated in the MSEK certificate.

For example, in order to calculate such a payment for a serviceman who was determined to be disabled in 2024, the figure as of January 1, 2024, i.e. UAH 3,028, is taken. If a serviceman has lost his capacity for work by 45%, then the amount of payments will be UAH 95,382.

How to receive payments for injuries to military personnel?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that the possibility of receiving assistance has a limited term - no later than 3 years after receiving the opinion of the Medical and Social Expert Commission on the degree of disability.

If there is a need to receive a payment for active military personnel, they must submit a corresponding report to the commander of the military unit. After that, the military unit considers the possibility of assigning one-time cash assistance (OGD) and forwards this request to the Department of Social Security of the Ministry of Defense. Next, the commission of the Ministry of Defense makes a decision on the appointment of the OGD and informs the military unit that made the request. The last stage is the serviceman's notification of the decision made and the payment of OGD.

If a person who has already retired from military service wishes to receive such a payment, he must contact the territorial center of social security and social protection where he is registered. As for the procedure for receiving the payment, it is similar to that applied to active military personnel.


Regarding the documents required for submitting a report/application and obtaining permission to process personal data, the legislation provides for a clear list. This includes documents confirming the identity, a copy of the certificate from the bank with the bank account number, a copy of the certificate on the circumstances of the injury, a copy of the decision of the Military Medical Commission on the causal relationship of the injury, as well as a copy of the MSEK certificate on establishing the loss of working capacity. For those who have resigned from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in addition to these documents, a copy of the extract from the order of the military unit on exclusion from the lists in connection with the dismissal is submitted.

Difficulties may arise at each stage of the process of obtaining such a one-time financial aid, therefore it is recommended to seek help from qualified specialists of the "Prikhodko & Partners" Law Firm. Fill out the form on our website and our lawyer will contact you shortly.

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Lawyer practicing military law. Specializes in dismissal from military service, obtaining a deferment from mobilization, appealing the military military commission, writing reports, supporting payments after injury, registration of a combat participant, etc.

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