Фото: Mobilization of students

"Salus populi suprema lex esto".

Lobunko Michael

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Mobilization of students

Reading time: 3 min.

Student mobilization is a hot topic that affects many people who are in the military. In the context of increasing mobilization and reducing the grounds for postponement, various questions and problems may arise regarding the mobilization of students.

In recent years, the number of legal initiatives and draft laws aimed at streamlining issues related to student mobilization has increased significantly. This caused lively discussions among human rights defenders, the student community and representatives of higher education institutions. In this article, we will consider the main legal issues related to the mobilization of students, as well as guarantees of the rights of this category of persons during martial law.


Draft law №10449, introduced by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to the Verkhovna Rada, concerns the possibility of mobilizing graduate students studying on contract terms. Such a step is defined as a change to the previous version of the bill, which excluded the mobilization of students of various forms of education, graduate students and doctoral students.

The main content of the draft law is that graduate students studying on a contract basis will lose the postponement of mobilization. It is worth noting that students who receive a second higher education are subject to this norm. It is important to remember that students who study full-time or dual forms of education and receive a higher level of education than previously obtained in one specialty or profession will not be eligible for the prize.

In addition, it is stated that teaching staff of institutions of vocational pre-higher education will have the opportunity to receive a deferment from mobilization if they work at more than 0.75 of the rate.

We agree that this draft law raises certain well-founded questions and indignation among the student and scientific community. Its adoption can be explained by the need to improve the mobilization system in terms of ensuring national security. Important in the analysis is an attempt to balance between the state's needs for mobilization and the rights of persons receiving higher education. In the opinion of many politicians and legal experts, this draft law contains a certain discriminatory component, but we entrust this point to our branch of the legislative power.

The overall situation looks like the draft law is aimed at attracting more people to military service, taking into account the obvious challenges for national security. However, we believe that it is worth taking into account the possible negative consequences for students studying on a contract, as well as taking into account their rights and interests during the discussion of the draft law.


Student mobilization is a complex topic that requires careful consideration from a legal perspective. Understanding the legal aspects of this process will help students preserve their rights and interests in the conditions of mandatory service, and will also contribute to improving the legislative environment in this area.

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Legal assistant in the practice of military disputes, dismissal from military service, reservation employees for the period of mobilization, appealing the conclusion of the military medical commission, legal support for clients in the military commissariat

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