Фото: Liability for road accidents with victims

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Liability for road accidents with victims

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In most cases, traffic accidents have serious consequences for drivers, namely the onset of administrative and criminal liability. If an ambulance is called to the scene of a traffic accident, this is one of the reasons for initiating criminal proceedings. The driver's actions can be qualified based on certain factors. In this article, we will consider liability for road accidents with victims.

To begin with, we note that our lawyers are trusted for a number of reasons:

  • Individual approach to each client

The legislation is the same for everyone, however, each traffic accident is characterized by its own characteristics, and therefore requires a special approach.

Liability for road accidents with victims

  • Professionalism

A specialist in traffic accidents is an important participant in criminal proceedings. Our specialists work qualitatively at each of the stages: from pre-trial investigation to consideration of the case in court. We have invaluable experience in protecting the interests of road accident participants.

  • Activities in the current legal field

Our main goal is to protect the legal rights and interests of every citizen. In cases where the investigators deliberately delay the pre-trial investigation, we will be able to release you from responsibility.

The degree of damage caused as a determining factor in the onset of criminal liability

Criminal punishment directly depends on the degree of damage caused. This is clearly stated in the first part of Article 286 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Possible liability for accidents that are accompanied by the presence of the injured party:

  1. Fine.
  2. Corrective works.
  3. Limitation of will.
  4. Arrest.
  5. Restrictions on the right to drive vehicles.

Important: a fine as a punishment for accidents on the road with victims is possible only in cases where the accident provoked the victims to receive minor or moderate injuries. If the driver is found guilty, an additional penalty is necessarily applied - deprivation of the driver's license. To protect your own interests, we recommend that you take care of the services of a professional lawyer.

Liability for road accidents with victims

The second part of Article 286 of the Criminal Code provides for liability for violations of traffic rules and operation of a vehicle that provoked serious bodily injury to the victim or caused his death. Punishment:

  • Restriction of freedom for a period of 3 to 8 years.
  • Ban on the right to drive vehicles for a period of up to 3 years.

Part three of Article 286 reflects responsibility for causing serious consequences, namely the death of several people. In this case, the perpetrator faces imprisonment for a term of 5 to 10 years, as well as deprivation of the right to drive vehicles.

In what cases will you need the help of a specialist under Article 286 of the Criminal Code?

If there are victims as a result of a traffic accident, you should definitely use the help of a lawyer. There are quite high chances of closing the proceedings in cases where the injured party received minor injuries. In all other situations, the person will be held criminally liable if proven guilty.

A specialist should be involved immediately if:

  1. You are the culprit of the accident.
  2. As a result of the accident, road users and passengers of the vehicle were injured.
  3. Violation of traffic rules led to fatal consequences.
  4. The victims are not ready for reconciliation.

The lawyers of our firm Prykhodko and Partners can join criminal proceedings at any stage. However, we recommend doing this at the pre-trial investigation stage.

For traffic accidents involving victims, the perpetrator may face up to 10 years in prison. Our lawyers will make the necessary efforts to:

  1. Reconciliation with the victims.
  2. Achieving justice.
  3. Compliance with the correctness of investigative actions.
  4. Receiving a lighter, conditional sentence or full acquittal.

At the stage of the pre-trial investigation, the road accident specialist carries out a number of activities: determines the circumstances and circumstances of the traffic accident, collects and examines evidence, participates in investigative actions (interrogations, etc.). Important: legal assistance may be needed not only by the suspect, but also by the party injured in the accident.

It will also be useful: Accident lawyer

At the request of the client, our lawyers conduct negotiations with the injured party regarding the closure of the criminal case through voluntary compensation for moral damages and losses.

Our lawyers effectively protect your interests at the stage of the trial. Cooperation with us is the key to your success. You can count on an individual approach and high quality of services. This is confirmed by numerous reviews of our customers. Road accident specialists provide effective protection of all participants in a criminal case.

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Specializes in crimes in the military sphere, and is also an expert in criminal offenses against traffic safety and operation of transport

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