Фото: Lawyer’s visit to the TCC

"Salus populi suprema lex esto".

Lobunko Michael

Legal assistant in the practice of military disputes, dismissal from military service, reservation employees for the period of mobilization, appealing the conclusion of the military medical commission, legal support for clients in the military commissariat

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Lawyer’s visit to the TCC

Reading time: 4 min.

The legislation on mobilization was significantly amended in April, and in May these changes came into force. One legal act transformed more than a dozen more. At the same time, the laws and regulations adopted in this area often contradict each other in some of their provisions. Such legal conflicts lead to the fact that the hierarchy of legal acts is not always observed on the ground. To put it in simpler terms, authorized persons may, for example, refer to the provisions of the Resolution when the Law says otherwise. In such cases, the legal act with greater legal force is ignored. And this is just one example. It also happens that a person simply faces arbitrariness and forceful mobilization despite the fact that he or she has grounds for deferring military service.


Legal support is an effective way out

It is clear that going to the TCC does not in itself mean that force mobilization is an inevitable fact. However, such cases are not uncommon. Therefore, for those who want to be sure that officials comply with the law, it is worthwhile to use the support of a professional lawyer who specializes in military law. The team of Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm has such experts. As our regular practice shows, it is inquiries in the field of military law that have become perhaps the most relevant since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. This applies to both assistance to those who serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and support for those who have legal grounds for deferment.

What services do we provide?

So, among the services that can be obtained from our lawyers, it is worth noting the following areas of activity:

  • Legal protection and advice. In this area, we provide qualified assistance and legal support during visits to the TCC and JV. This helps to ensure the protection of your rights and legitimate interests.
  • Assistance in preparing documents. If you have grounds for deferring mobilization, our lawyers will help you prepare a full package of documents to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings in your communication with the police, as well as with the TCC and JV.
  • Support at all stages of obtaining a deferment from mobilization. This means that the lawyer will be with you at every stage of the process - from the initial consultation to the final decision. This will guarantee compliance with the law.
  • Resolving disputes. No one is immune from potential conflicts or disputes with representatives of the Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Center. Even if a citizen is law-abiding, this does not guarantee that no offenses will be committed against him or her due to abuse of power by representatives of the TCC and JV. Our lawyers will ensure prompt and professional settlement in such cases.
  • Protection against unlawful actions. We guarantee effective protection against unlawful actions by officials responsible for implementing the legislation on mobilization. This will ensure the fairness and legality of the conscription procedure.
  • Individual approach. Our team considers each case individually, taking into account all the specifics of your situation. This allows us to find the best solution for you. Therefore, you do not have to study the norms of the legislation on your own, looking for their interpretation and going through a large number of sources, where relevant information is often mixed with distorted, unreliable or outdated data.


Legal support from real experts in their field is a guarantee that officials of the Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support will act in relation to you within the framework of the current legislation. Fill out the form on the website and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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Legal assistant in the practice of military disputes, dismissal from military service, reservation employees for the period of mobilization, appealing the conclusion of the military medical commission, legal support for clients in the military commissariat

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