Фото: Issuing an ID card abroad

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Fedortsov Oleksandr

Lawyer practicing international migration. Specializes in issues of migration law - paperwork on the territory of Ukraine and the countries of the European Union (Romania, Hungary, Spain, Czech Republic).

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Issuing an ID card abroad

Reading time: 4 min.

The issuance of an ID card is regulated by a legal act such as the Verkhovna Rada Resolution "On Approval of Provisions on the Passport of a Citizen of Ukraine". When a person who needs to issue an internal passport is in Ukraine, there are no problems or complications with this. However, it is more complicated abroad, so questions immediately arise as to where to apply for a passport.

Do consular offices issue ID cards?

When it comes to the Consulate of Ukraine (wherever it is located), it is important to know that it does not issue ID cards. The competence of these diplomatic institutions is only to issue foreign passports. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to issue an internal Ukrainian passport in the form of an ID card abroad.


The state enterprise Document has representative offices in different countries. Among them are Poland, Slovakia, Italy, Germany, Spain, Turkey, and the Czech Republic. Therefore, you will be able to apply to the aforementioned state enterprise in these countries, submit the necessary documents and use the corresponding service.

What are the peculiarities of the procedure?

To apply for an ID card through the State Enterprise "Document", you need to pre-register using the electronic queue option on the passport service website. This may cause some complications due to the lack of free slots for submitting documents.

A citizen who has reached the age of 14 can apply for an ID card. If they were born abroad or their parents are foreigners, among other documents, a certificate confirming that they are registered as a citizen of Ukraine is important.

The first passport in the form of an ID card is issued from the age of 14 to 18, and subsequent passports are valid for 10 years. If you are applying for your first passport, you should bring your birth certificate and parents' documents. When it comes to subsequent passports, you should bring your taxpayer registration number. A certificate of registration is also important, as this data is entered into the chip on the ID card.

How long does it take to get an ID card?

A passport in the form of an ID card is a document that can be issued in Ukraine within 20 business days. However, it takes much longer abroad - from 3 to 5 months. The fact is that the document will still be produced in Ukraine - at the Ukraine Polygraph Plant. Therefore, communication between different entities and the subsequent sending of the finished document by diplomatic mail takes some time. That's why the timeframe for issuing an ID card in Ukraine and abroad is so different.


How will the assistance of the lawyers of Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm be useful?

Prikhodko & Partners Law Firm employs specialists who are well versed and perform their work efficiently, and migration law is one of our key specializations. Therefore, we can provide our clients with the following services:

  • advice on the possibility of obtaining an ID card abroad if the person was born to foreign parents or not in Ukraine;
  • advice on the necessary package of documents in your case;
  • assistance in registering with the State Enterprise "Document" for further production of an ID card.

We are also ready to provide legal support in all matters that do not require your personal presence. So please contact us - professional assistance in important legal matters makes life much easier and saves time.

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Lawyer practicing international migration. Specializes in issues of migration law - paperwork on the territory of Ukraine and the countries of the European Union (Romania, Hungary, Spain, Czech Republic).

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