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Lawyer, specializing in real estate, corporate, financial, tax, civil and contract law, as well as litigation.
Many people who live outside the city find it necessary to build not one, but two houses on their land. The reasons for this can be various. The main thing is to correctly issue all the necessary documents for the construction and legalization of two houses on the same plot. We specialize in legalization of real estate and land issues, so you can turn to "Prykhodko and Partners" for help in legalizing future real estate and already built self-builds.
Let's start with the fact that the purpose of the land plot must be suitable for construction. That is, land for individual construction is used exclusively for the construction of a residential building.
Construction of two houses on one plot of land: norms of modern legislation in Ukraine
According to state building regulations, only one house can be built on one plot of land. There may also be other structures near the house that fall under the category of auxiliary: a summer kitchen, a utility block, a garage, a bathhouse, etc. However, the current legislation does not prohibit having living quarters in these auxiliary structures. Thus, the second house can be registered as a guest house. According to the documentation, it will belong to auxiliary buildings.
Article 27 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Regulation of Town Planning Activities" states the following:
"The construction passport defines a complex of town planning and architectural requirements for the placement and construction of an individual (manor) residential building, garden, country house not higher than two floors (not including the attic floor) with an area of 500 square meters, outbuildings and structures, garages, landscaping elements and landscaping of the land." In this article, the house is indicated in the singular, in contrast to structures and buildings of economic purpose. Article 381 of the Civil Code of Ukraine "Mansion as an object of ownership" also refers to the construction of one residential building on a plot of land, as well as household buildings, underground and surface communications, and perennial plantings.
Therefore, according to the current legislation of Ukraine, only one individual residential building can be built on one plot of land. All other buildings on this plot of land will be considered as accessory structures.
If your goal is to design a house exactly as a house, it is impossible without the procedure for dividing (partitioning) the land plot. After distribution, it turns out that there will be one house on each plot. It is necessary to prepare the project documentation, assigning the new house the corresponding cadastral number. The next stage is the submission of documents for obtaining a construction passport. After obtaining a permit to start construction, a new building can be put into operation.
When building a house, it is mandatory to observe the legally defined distance from other buildings, a fence, the main road, a transformer, etc. If all building regulations are followed, there will be no problems with putting the second house into operation.
If the legal status of the house is not important for you, then you can arrange a second house, such as a summer kitchen or a guest house.
Is the procedure for legalization of two houses on the same plot quite complicated for you? You do not have free time to go through all the stages of bureaucratic red tape? Consultation with the lawyers of our company "PRIKHODKO & PARTNERS" would be the right option. We will help you draw up permit documentation in accordance with existing town planning regulations and legalize two houses on the same plot.
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Lawyer, specializing in real estate, corporate, financial, tax, civil and contract law, as well as litigation.
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